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Pros/cons of loot overwriting what is already there?

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I tested this last night so I'm fairly certain it's how it works. I found a deer stand full of junk. Went away came back, still junk. Cleared all the junk and dropped it in the woods and the stand respawned when I came back with fresh stuff.

What would the negative be for allowing loot to re-spawn at whatever it's interval and overwrite whatever is already in that loot spawn's spot? Would there be too much good gear in the world? Cans and other junk loot would still spawn, it just wouldn't be left there causing a server that's been up for a while to have stale loot everywhere. You could even increase the % chance of junk loot to spawn to tweak this.

Just some thoughts, I love the game but I can't believe anyone likes dumping their packs to clear out a good spawn point and make it re-pop. I found a barn with 5 axes last night. Didn't even try that one, would have taken a while.

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Yeah... A lot of the loot spawn problems could be fixed by just having the server reset the loot at set intervals. Like maybe every hour loot gets a reset. Because right now people pick up the good stuff and leave the junk. Eventually all loot spawns become junk. This is a problem that needs addressing. This isn't new either it's just a lot more noticeable since the loot re-balancing in the last patch.

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Loot is automatically cleaned up in certain intervals

But I think removing the already spawned loot restarts the timer that will spawn loot when the next player moves close enough

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Loot is automatically cleaned up in certain intervals

But I think removing the already spawned loot restarts the timer that will spawn loot when the next player moves close enough

Yeah that is probably why it's less noticeable the farther north you go as there are less players. Places like the southern coast kinda nullify this though as there are always players nearby. The loot never gets cleared so you end up with nothing but junk after awhile. The issue still needs some kind of fix however. There are numerous threads about this problem. (Mostly about the lack of food along the coastal areas.)

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Lazy mans way... hit escape, abort, disconnect, then log back in. All items and zombies despawn when no one is near... if there are other players this won't work

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Didn't realize that, so up north where there are less players the loot does wipe itself out and re-spawn..

  'Finally said:

Lazy mans way... hit escape' date=' abort, disconnect, then log back in. All items and zombies despawn when no one is near... if there are other players this won't work


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