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See I find myself in a tough spot. I'd like to say I'm a stone cold killer who will KoS anyone that poses a threat except new spawns. I have been camping a certain military base today and have taken out a total of 6 people. The first guy saw me and shot, so I had no issues killing him, and when he was just unconscious, I didn't hesitate to shoot him again, after  I got my loot of course. The next two were a group, they both had their mosins out with scopes, and just looked like trouble. I think they heard me stalking them because they went inside a shed and waited. I simply walked by and waved my gun inside holding down the left button and neither of them moved again. Again, no issues at all. The other two were just solo guys presumably server hopping and none of them talked to me. The last guy however, I shot him in the chest twice, but he didn't die. He fell unconscious and I heard him talking and asked me how he could get better to prevent what just happened in the future. THEN, I felt really bad for killing a noob. He didn't even know how to load his 40 round clip into his M4 so i just took his clip away, bandaged him, used my defibrillator, gave him some supplies, and sent him on his way after giving him some advice. Under normal circumstances, he would have pulled out his fireaxe and had at me while I was putting away the defibrillator but he was new. Is it just me, or when players actually talk, and aren't complaining or ranting and hating at you, do you just get this feeling that you need to help them? It was not a good idea and could have gotten me killed, and I missed out on free food and stuff. I'm tempted to turn off player chat so this doesn't happen again XD

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Congratulation. You have been visited by feeling. Empty your  :beans: to help the new lamb. Cause empty  :emptycan:  is empty stomach but the feeling after helping someone is divine. You have been touched in the ways i can't explain. I thou thy - Samuri Savior Bake Pie

Edited by sYs

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