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Squad Recruitment

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What's up everyone I am Kakihara Keenan.

I am making this post for Recruitment of "The 12 Monkeys" DayZ Standalone Squad!




I have been running squads in Arma 3 for all of Alpha/Beta and stopped right around the release. I currently have a steam group setup for invites and organized game-play. I have been efficiently running anywhere from 4-9 people in DayZ SA Squads with a high survival chance when in player vs player engagement.

I am a starting Youtuber/Livestreamer, I am looking for serious gamer's who wish to achieve fun by completely dominating server and finding the best competition to match our skill against.

We currently have 20+ Members in the steam group but I plan to have at least 100 players in this group, with focused squads of size 5-10 and sometimes bigger for events.



<< What I need from new members >>

  • ​​A reasonable time investment over each week. (This time is not a set number)
  • Voice Communication (If you do not have a headset we will NOT accept your request)
  • A full communication to the Group Leader if you will not be online for a period of time.
  • A minimum of showing up to planned events. (Mostly Weekends)
  • Your DayZ knowledge could be 0 (We will fix that)
  • A focused mindset to follow commands!
  • You are joining a squad for the sake of pure PvP (not always bandit's but survival in all situations for the best interest of our members)



With all this said....All you need to do is fill out this form with a copy and paste of your info put into it.

(If you don't plan on staying with a squad/group/community don't waste our time)


  1. My timezone is ____ and I usually play from the hours of ____ to ____. 
  2. My current reason of why I would not be around to game is ____. (school/work/family)
  3. I am ____ years of age & I live in ____ (State/Country?)
  4. My current CPU is ____ & my GPU is ____.
  5. My DayZ SA Hours played is ____.
  6. My DayZ Mod Knowledge is ____.
  7. I currently use ____ for keyboard & ____ for mouse.
  8. My experience with organized squads is ____.


​The bottom line.... You will be trained and made into a DayZ beast so give us your soul and take the ride with The 12 Monkeys!

Edited by KakiharaKeenan

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The timing of "Survival" down at the bottom as you sniped a guy getting water was rather ironic.

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