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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Food: Nonexistent

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I ran around on an empty stomach for over four hours today, running through the entirety of Elektro, to Kamyshovo, Solnicnniy, and Nizhnoye, before finally passing out and dying on my way to Berezino. I checked every single house in every single city. Nothing. Four hours of consistent searching in every possible point across four cities yielded no food. The only thing I found, which I don't count as food, were three rotten fruits. I ate them out of desperation. I even came across a group of FIVE other people all in search of food. We all grouped up and passed by three other people along the way. Pic proof


They all died of starvation shortly before the server crashed. I loaded up another server then went another hour before dying myself. I even blasted some person who looked like they had food on them, only to find they had no food. My body is now lying on a stairwell I was trying to get to the top of to throw myself off of.


Point: Please for the love of god spawn more food, or have food respawn more frequently than other items. I know the game is supposed to be punishing, but holy shit at least give me a chance (I even had two canopeners)

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Hello my good man, I would suggest moving inland. I have no trouble finding tons of food a town or two above coastal towns.

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Hello my good man, I would suggest moving inland. I have no trouble finding tons of food a town or two above coastal towns.


The standalone may have switched things around, but a good rule of thumb in the DayZ mod version was to not go inland unless you have a backpack. I was hoping to find either food or a backpack in Berezino (preferably food)

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If you find a water source and drink till full, you should be able to get to polana or the stary/novy line of towns with little to no problem. At least I did anyways.

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The standalone may have switched things around, but a good rule of thumb in the DayZ mod version was to not go inland unless you have a backpack. I was hoping to find either food or a backpack in Berezino (preferably food)

Good advice if the server has been recently restarted, not so much if the server is older and heavily visited.


Zero kills from June 2012 in the DayZ mod all the way until one day in the standalone, I snapped and went around Elektro gouging people with a screwdriver,

then passed out while fistfighting someone in the street.

Let me guess... Alcohol was involved, wasn't it?

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lol after mass wipe, I have a backpack full of food because so many bambis chose suicide on respawn. Whole town to myself! 

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Good advice if the server has been recently restarted, not so much if the server is older and heavily visited.


Let me guess... Alcohol was involved, wasn't it?



No, just rage from being told a godawful joke then being shot by the joke teller. I went and murdered him and his friends with a screwdriver.

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In the mod there was very little loot in most of the smaller towns, so people said not to go inland until you get gear. But, in standalone all the buildings have interiors and spawn loot. Also, in standalone people can eat a lot more food, so those spawn towns get cleaned out pretty quickly. Just fill up on water and run through a forest inland, you always hit something. If you follow the roads, you'll only find looted buildings for a long time.

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