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An Open letter to the new guys

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Hello and welcome! 


I am writing this today out of concern for the game I love so much, as well as concern for some of the newer players among us now who might not be fully up to speed with the fact that DayZ has been a thing for a while now and already has a core set of pillars that set it apart from most other games that currently exist. 


I want to keep this short, so I will get to the point. 


If you make a topic about (off the top of my head) achievements and leaderboards and adding any other sort of assorted mechanics to the game that have a disruptive effect on immersion, you are forgiven. But that does not mean many of us vets are not facepalming and collectively groaning at the idea. 


Think of it like going to Japan. In Japan, you have to take your shoes off all over the place. If you are from another country and forget at some point, you will be forgiven. But still, the natives are going to jab at you and shake their heads in private. 


So please, before you make a topic complaining about running for 40 minutes, you need to realize that running for 40 minutes is a lot of what DayZ has been about for over a year now. And that is not going to change. 


So just...give the game some time before making huge suggestions that don't address immediate problems and bugs. And please take this in the spirit with which it is given. I am worried that the early state of this game makes it hard for DayZ to reveal itself to a new player. I think there are possibly many things that are not a part of DayZ that are mistaken for missing features to the uninitiated. We all read the disclaimer, but not everyone played the mod first. 


This is just my two cents. You can take or leave it. I just know I don't want any features or mechanics that add "strings" to the DayZ experience. And since I know such features are not likely to be implemented, I do not care to sift through so many such topics about them. 


-Dr. Z

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This should be stickied. Really nicely written without any negative words about those stupid noobs (See what I did there?).

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I guess I'm confused about what people thought this was. I never played the mod. I have a few friends who did and they described it somewhat. Even then, it isn't that hard to understand what this game will generally contain.

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I guess I'm confused about what people thought this was. I never played the mod. I have a few friends who did and they described it somewhat. Even then, it isn't that hard to understand what this game will generally contain.


Some people will actually refuse to understand what a game is about, then complain that it's not what they want it to be.



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Being new to SA, I will say that the concept of the game is pretty evident.  Some gamers ply games to be invincible and do things that aren't humanly possible while others play them to act out the game as a player.  If you want to be invincible, load up QuakeIII and turn on GOD mode.

Edited by ComplexMinded

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I'd just like to see a counter added to show me how long my guy has been alive. No achievements or any of that crap, just an indicator for my own personal satisfaction.


The other (and I know its coming and this is just alpha) but Zombies that are actually a threat. Right now they are only a useful indicator to let you know that no one has looted the area you are in (and no Bandits are about.) Yesterday I killed 4 Zombies at the same time with a pipe wrench (circle strafe and kept  swinging). Pretty sad really.

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