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[DE/EN]DayZEpoch - Pandabaerchen-United.de - AI,Missions,Lift- und Towing,Selfblood,Suicide,Bury NPCs,Grave Cross and more

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Server Details: [DE/EN]DayZEpoch - Pandabaerchen-United.de - AI,Missions,Lift- und Towing,Debug Monitor,Selfblood,Suicide,Bury NPCs,Grave Cross,Salvage vehicles,and more | Vilayer.com




Hello there everyone!


As we have hosted our brand new Epoch Server, we'd like to advertise it a bit.


Pandabaerchen United is our Name, we are a small group of german players enjoying our time playing the game and decided that we should host an own server due to many servers missing a few features we'd like in the game.


However, i just list our features, so you can judge for yourself:


Player actions added (Tools Menu - Some fun interactions you should try out yourself :P)

Headshot Suicide


Debug Monitor

Self bloodbag

lift & tow

salvage vehicles completly


Crafting at fireplaces

Side missions - adjusted loot + harder npcs

Repair/refuel/reammo stations

auto refuel

animated crash sites

New Wrecks with loot(medical and industrial loot)

New Wood Trader

Wholesaler redone

New Vehicle Trader with a new set of vehicles

Trader Prices changed

New Vehicles: Merlin, M113Ambul, BTR40, M1133, Bell Helicopters

No Plot Pole needed for building


Map updates:

Sector FNG with AI and loot

Otmel and Skalisty Bridges

junkyard to salvage almost all vehicles

Tirkhaya City

Churches are all open

Trade city godmode + anti backpack stealing


Server is restarted every 6 Hours.

Thats about it. If you are still not sure, just join and try everything out. There will be Custom Events from time to time and we got a bunch of active admins.

We're hoping to build up a great community with you guys! See ya ingame!



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