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James Henry II

How to disable laptop touchpad in game DayZ

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I remember disabling touchpad on my laptop for DayZ Mod, it made me fire my gun randomly sometimes lol. How do I disable it in the standalone? It was disabled from the start I think but all of sudden it is enabled again.


Also, I am too poor for a decent desktop, forgive me for playing on a laptop :P.

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I remember disabling touchpad on my laptop for DayZ Mod, it made me fire my gun randomly sometimes lol. How do I disable it in the standalone? It was disabled from the start I think but all of sudden it is enabled again.


Also, I am too poor for a decent desktop, forgive me for playing on a laptop :P.


Why don't you disable it outside the game? You should have a keyboard shortcut to enable or disable the touchpad. In this laptop for example it's Fn+F3, check your keyboard for hints. 


If you have nothing or nothing happens when you try the shortcut, you probably never installed the touchpad drivers. Go to the homepage of your laptop's manufacturer, and find the Touchpad drivers in the download section. It will let you disable it anytime, I'm sure.




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Should be a button above the touch pad... that is where mine is located on both of my laptops

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