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Ken Bean

[Suggestion] Dynamic Zed-Aggroing based on playercondition

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Greetings everyone,

yet another suggestion here, feel free to read ahead.

In the mod there already is a system which lets Zeds hit harder, if the player is not full on blood.

Given that in real life predator tend to focus on the ill or injured to have a prey, wouldn't it be more logical that the Zed aggro is increased on player in bad condition?

Lets say in case a player is bleeding, infected, starving or otherwhise just low on blood, Zeds could be aggroed in a wider radius compared to a player in healthy condition. There also is a chance that Zeds may ignore a player. This also could be related to the players overall condition.

If this already has been implemented or suggested, my apologizes.

Edited by Ken Bean

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