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My funny experience in DayZ today!

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So.. due to the recent update, i found myself spawning on the east coast and i wanted to kill myself, as did most people on the server. I saw a guy running and i started yelling out asking him to kill me, he declined for some reason. So i started bashing the shit out of him with my crowbar, then he finally started fighting back, we were both uncouncious and talking over chat then he said " my 3 mates with m4's will come and get you " i laughed my ass off and respawned. I spawned in noby which i was so happy about, 50 meters down the road i saw 3 people with m4's..... funny right? Not calling them hacks or anything but it was very suspicious how they were just standing in the middle of no where looking right at me... then bam. dead. Funny as hell, i didnt really care cause i lost nothing but a good spawn. Just shows the sort of fagotry that happens in dayz, both on my part for attatcking the guy and for being killed by what i believe to be hackers.


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Not calling them hacks or anything... and for being killed by what i believe to be hackers.


M4s are quite common.. it could easily have been a coincidence.

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Yeah unlucky i suppose, the only reason i thought they were hacking cause they said " why did you kill our friend trent " without me even speaking, so they obviously got tolled by their friend my ingame name but how did they know i was him? 

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