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Any Squads/Clans etc. Need a DAYZ, ARMA2 & 3 VET?

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Hey All,


25yrs old.. looking for mature crew.


I have played tons of Dayz Mod!! love it



Thanks for your time.

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LMK If you find some people who aren't like 16 and live in Saudi Arabia.


26 Y/O Military Veteran / Video Game Extraordinaire.

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Me and my teammate are looking to make the duo into a trio and more. I'm a DayZ veteran with deep knowledge of the territory, my teammate is good at close range combat. We are fully geared at the moment (I have a Mosin with both a long range scope and a PU scope) If interested add Hypergolem on steam.

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Ya my buddies aren't always around to play.. Let me know if any clans, squads fit.


*BTW i'm not 100% apposed to banditry @ desperate moments... but i prefer only killing hostiles.

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I'm a 3-4 year ArmA 2 Gamer from ACE/ACRE on and off, Military experience and training etc.


I have a group of about 30-40 in total with 10 being on at any given time.

We're more or less a group of bandit hunters, we never shot a person unless we were fired upon first (only in self defense),

We've always fed and given water to new players, with our medic given them Saline, Anti biotics or anything else they need to help them.


Send me a private message if you're interested in playing, all of my players are between 18-40, ranged in areas such as Ireland (Myself), England, Germany and the United States.

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