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Always Daylight When Joining

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Our server just moved from Dallas to Seattle. This wasn't an issue before but is a major issue now...

When joining the server -- or respawning after quitting to lobby -- you start at sunset regardless of in-game time. This means people are exploiting this, keeping constant daylight while others (either ignorant to the issue or more highly convicted) are playing in deep darkness.

Has anyone encountered a fix for this issue? Is this an issue with the machine we're on? The instance ID (although it's the same as it was in Dallas)? Server configuration?

Any help is appreciated.

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You know, the last time I spoke with my host, he had scheduled 6-hr (or 8-hr) restarts implemented. We just moved though and I'm not seeing anything scheduled within the control panel. This is actually a really good question; thanks!

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Yeah, that sounds like the culprit then. Server is majorly de-synced. A reboot should put it right back in line. (Assuming nothing is wrong with the system clock, which there shouldn't be).

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Yeah, I'm honestly thinking you're right. I've scheduled restarts every 6 hours now so we'll give it a day or so and I should be able to report back tonight or tomorrow morning on whether or not it's fixed. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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Meh, it's looking like the server will need to be restarted a bit more during the night cycle in order to prevent this from happening. However, restarting the server did end up fixing the issue.

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Keep an eye on FPS usage, chances are your server is overloaded because you're hosting too many slots or your bandwidth settings aren't right.

If your server runs full a lot, you'll have to reboot the server a bit more often.

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