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Abi (DayZ)

Base building

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yea. Origins and Epoch had base building. 


After a few days of a full server, every possible area was blocked off with walls.

You couldnt go anywhere anymore


Tents and caches are enough.

They have to have some sort of build regulations in some areas if they do try adding base building.

Anything other than large industrials and houses should have a protection zone, so you can't just block off the doors and farm loot.

Building stuff should be costly, inventory sapping lumber, nails, a hammer, saw.

A plank of wood could be wielded and stored like a melee weapon.

It would take up about as much room as a Mosin in inventory.

But you could carry two bits of wood by moving melee into inventory, equipping wood as melee weapon putting it away and putting a piece of wood in hands.

With three bits of wood, a couple burlap sacks, a plastic tarpaulin, a dozen nails, a hammer, a saw, a shovel, and a sneaky spot to build.

You would place everything in you vicinity.

Except the hammer, equip the hammer as a weapon and use the mouse scroll wheel to select what to build you then select spider hole and you get a very sneaky little loot spot able to keep your stuff pretty dry and hold a gun a bag and about ten spaces for items.

There would on the ground visibly be a woody texture half blended in with the ground containing some of the natural flora, autumn leaves, loose dirt, loose rocks, dead grass.

Pretty damn hidden and ok for loot, but insecure and hard to make.

That is my idea of a loot stash :)

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You could build a base in Epoch, not vanilla; as for the SA, I think I remember hearing rocket saying it would be like The Dead Linger, where you could board up things, just as the guy up there said.

Question. What if two players boarded up the same house on two different servers and then by chance logged on to the same server? Are bases/bldgs/hideouts server-based?

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then they would be locked in eachothes base with nothing to do as in epoch everyone stored stuff in locked safes

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Any idea when some sort of base building will come in. I am fully kitted out and could do with some lockerble storage facility even if it is a tent.

great game guys

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