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R71 (DayZ)

Mission system

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Maybe they should add in a set of missions to add some extra life into the game to help people not get bored with the game, and help people group up.

Say you can only get the missions in a group and that some of the missions take you from town to town. Also the mission could only be found like loot on the ground by a group.

At the end of the mission you would get random rewards. The longer missions that take you through more towns would give you better rewards.( kind of like following a bread trail )

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That would make it far too gamey and detract from the zombie survival simulation approach Rocket seems to be going for.

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It would give people a reason to group up though. Maybe make it so you can only find big loot boxes like this? I found a big medical box the other day in game so I know that can be done

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It would give people a reason to group up though. Maybe make it so you can only find big loot boxes like this? I found a big medical box the other day in game so I know that can be done

I think a better way to get people to work together in game is to simply include more things like blood transfusions... that one player can't do by themselves. Players can find blood packs, but they need another player to administer the blood to them.

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That would make it far too gamey and detract from the zombie survival simulation approach Rocket seems to be going for.

i TOTALLY disagree - I feel missions would add a good element to the game. For example:

"Unusually high numbers of zombies have been seen in and around (insert name of town) - eliminate them"

( ^ ^ ^ no thought put into this as it's just a quick example ^ ^ ^ )

or you come across an mortally injured survivor NPC who was trying to get medicine for his young son so now this task now lands on your shoulders

as I said - examples . . . . . . .

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That would make it far too gamey and detract from the zombie survival simulation approach Rocket seems to be going for.

i TOTALLY disagree - I feel missions would add a good element to the game. For example:

"Unusually high numbers of zombies have been seen in and around (insert name of town) - eliminate them"

( ^ ^ ^ no thought put into this as it's just a quick example ^ ^ ^ )

or you come across an mortally injured survivor NPC who was trying to get medicine for his young son so now this task now lands on your shoulders

as I said - examples . . . . . . .

Chernarus is supposed to feel like believable world that's been decimated by infection. Having the game assign you missions detracts from that in my opinion.

Besides, DayZ is supposed to be about survival. It's not about killing hordes of zombies as your mission example suggests. The only real "mission" should be surviving. To accomplish that goal, you set your own objectives... like travelling to Chernogorsk for medical supplies, or meeting a friend at Balota to search the airfield for better equipment.

Killing zombies should be a means of survival. Almost a last resort if you can't sneak past them. Not something you do for fun because the game sets it as a mission. Think about it - if you were in a real zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't go to a town and think "I know, i'll clear all the zombies out of this town for fun". You'd do your best to avoid them and take what you need from the town. Only if they spotted you would you resort to killing.

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Don't think of my idea as missions so much; think of it more as the same thing you're doing now but with gauranteed good loot for your entire group at the end.

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But who the hell is giving you the missions though? :-/ Chernarus is supposed to feel like believable world that's been decimated by infection. Having the game assign you missions detracts from that in my opinion.

Besides' date=' DayZ is supposed to be about survival. It's not about killing hordes of zombies as your mission example suggests. The only real "mission" should be surviving. To accomplish that goal, you set your own objectives... like travelling to Chernogorsk for medical supplies, or meeting a friend at Balota to search the airfield for better equipment.

Killing zombies should be a means of survival. Almost a last resort if you can't sneak past them. Not something you do for fun because the game sets it as a mission. Think about it - if you were in a real zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't go to a town and think "I know, i'll clear all the zombies out of this town for fun". You'd do your best to avoid them and take what you need from the town. Only if they spotted you would you resort to killing.


Well, we can put the radio to use. You find a radio/walkietalkie and when it is in your item bar, random npc's who need help will message everyone with a radio. I can think of a few examples too, like a npc needs gas for their car or a npc trapped on a roof with zombies below or a npc lost in the woods and needs help, whatever it may be. I do think we need a lot more then just survive until you die, rinse and repeat. This is still alpha (like playing Half Life 2 in a white room and only a few weapons to try). We need more to keep people playing, sure it is loads of fun, but it needs to blossom. Even minecraft has an end game, we should to, escape.

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I do think we need a lot more then just survive until you die' date=' rinse and repeat.[/size'] This is still alpha (like playing Half Life 2 in a white room and only a few weapons to try). We need more to keep people playing, sure it is loads of fun, but it needs to blossom. Even minecraft has an end game, we should to, escape.

I like the idea of the radios . . . . .

@ turin - i did say the zombie kill fest was just an example but i cant see the game holding interest for very long at all if there is no "content" so to speak. . . . . You have shown that you are fine with it as is, but from surfing the forums there are plenty who would prefer to have some type of goal to work towards too, an endgame I would like but it isn't a must - content ingame, I feel, is tho . . .

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