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Character reset if you leave server at Wait for Host

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I know this should be put into bug-reports, but for some reason I get error when I tried to put it there.


Anyways, this is probably the biggest bug right now. Everytime you join a server, it will say for a brief moment "Wait for Host", during this message is shown, you will most likely hear sound of the ocean, basically because most spawns are by the coast, this is where the game is at before it manages to load your "save". If you decide to close the game, or somehow leave the server at this point, then your character will get reset. Not completely sure if it happens 100% of the times, but happened 3 times to me before I realised why my character kept geting reseted. So bascially, if you have a good geared character, if you get stuck at wait host trying to join a server, just wait it out, or wait untill the point where you can press Escape and get back to the change server tab.

Edited by spejjan

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