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My player is too slow ???

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Not my player my friend player is very very slow if he run with a double W tab and i just running i will be faster than him so guys what is the problem ??

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I don't know if that matters, but when I run with my friend, i'm faster than him. I think it has to do with the gear, because he have his inventory full and not me. By the way I don't know if it has anything to do with weight.

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Ok do you know how to know how much FPS he gets ?

Get DXTory or Fraps, it is based on fps by the way, i was playing with a friend on the mod and i was getting 50-60+ and he was getting below 30 and i ran significantly faster than him. 

Edited by TheCalyx
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Has he got his weapon in hand as this slows the player right down,....if so put weapon over shoulder,..bring fists up as if to fight and run,..you may find much faster.

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Its an FPS issue.


If hes getting lower FPS than you he'll run slower. He can trying lowering his graphics some to see if it helps.

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I'm not an internet genious, I would but I can't answer to this question, I don't even know how FPS works, I'm just enjoying DayZ :lol:



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