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Most Scariest Adventure!

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Spawned and ready to kill people ,

I'm at the NW Airfield just walking arround trying to look for a crashed heli , I decide I get on control tower roof .

When i hit the roof I can see 3 Crashed heli sites almost next to eachother.

I decide to zoom with my rangefinder to see what for loot it has,

I realise there is a m249 SAW and a sniper I decide to walk to it ,

As soon as im near I hear bullets penetrating the heli !

Fuck! Somebody is firing on me! I seek cover and grab the things I need and run into the forest , Multiple zombies chasing me i headshot them 1 by 1 with my M9SD ,

After that i decide lets go to the firestation and look from higher grounds.

In the fire station nothing important so I decide to move.

After camping on the roof I see 5 Survivors at the hangar just waiting there,

I grab my M107 and look at them they cant see me , It looks like there waiting for something so I hold fire.

5-10 minutes later 3 people with Ghillie suits enter the airfield , I hit the ground and start watching them what they are doing,

The Ghillie's join the Survivors , So far it was 8 Vs 1 and there might be more , I'm thinking CAN I THROW A GRENADE THERE.

A voice is telling me DONT! YOU wont kill them all just DONT!

I equip the grenade looking for a perfect angle and then!

I hear voices.

Wait Im looting the Firestation....

I Froze! i saw 2 survivors at the fire station if they looked to the right they would see me , I grab my M249 SAW And aim on them and slowly rolling to cover.

They go up , Phew! they didint see me , As i continue watching the group they just dont move.

I had 1 M107 Mag i knew it would never be enough for them I decided to wait and hope they would split up

First time i was using a m249 Saw so i didint know what the recoil was so I didint use it .

After a couple of minutes more I see 2 Army trucks comming on to the airfield , I finally realise whats going on...

There all trying to get in and I decide If I dont shoot then It's to late ,

I aim on the wheel's and by some luck the Vechile cant drive annymore its going like 2 'Mph and they all get it i quikly hide to cover and watch them ,

They coudnt find me and they started looking for Tires I think ,

After they split up I shot the other truck also and Decided to go Rambo ,

Grabbed the m249 SAW and Sprayed the shit outta the vechile's !

They Spot me but I'm 100% Sure I had hit atleast 5 of them while i was spraying.

They came up to me I kep in cover watching a ladder and a window ,

They are throwing Grenades and stuff upstairs.

A guy decides to climb up the roof and i POP a M249 SAW Bullet into his Forehead and he falls ,

+1 Murder I felt so affraid they would kill me ,

I kept on resisting and realised they are not here annymore ATLEAST What I though.

I used a 3rd person vieuw to look downstairs and i see 3 of them down the ladder SLOWLY climbing up not making noices,

I look at the control tower I can see 2 on the roof of it ,

This was it I'm Screwd I decided to talk via Direct comm,



I decided not to I pretended like i was going to but then I shot the 2 on the control tower by some luck they died instantly I decided to go further higher. I'm not moving not making sounds , I see people glitching from inside Firestation to the outside , looking for me I was laughing my ass off and decided not to kill them unless they come up ,

I was sure there would be a sniper covering them ,

They had in meanwhile found a wheel , They fixed the car and took off ,

I was there at the roof waiting for the next prey or next group to show up ,

I killed total of 4 person's that raid , Total loot I had from it

2 pair of NVG's 2 pair of Rangefinder's


Took the NVG's and Rangefinder's and headed by to home ,

Wildest adventure in DayZ so far

P.S. Dont mind my grammar plz :)

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