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Lucifer Dream

Looking for a partner or a group

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Hey I have been playing DayZ for quite a while now and i think i am ready to start playing with some friendlys for once... Heres a list of some characteristics i posses:

I am 15 with a sorta middle voice, (not a Sqeaker) I am American from America and in America atm

I have a mic, TS3 Steam and mumble and skype

i have been in some Arma 2 Realism units which taught me radio transmission discipline and maturity

I am more of a "be told type a player"

I am active on Forums and DayZ

I am willing to share good loot and/or not even get anything at all

I am very patient especially with monitering a specific area, or to Gaurd it/someone

I am just fine with killing players aswell

I have a pretty good computer so you won't have to worry about me lagging and messing up anything

My specialty weapons are as listed with a * meany not so good ***** meany Great

Snipers ****

Assault Rifles *****

LMG's *****

Sub's ***

Pistols ***

Shotguns **

Throwing devises ***

Melee Weapons **

I'm fine with a Serious environment or a goofy one, Even both!


Ground vehicles *****

Boats ***

Aircrafts *****

Anyways leave feedback on anything i did not adress here, Or PM me if you would like to know anything! Thank you for your time! Feel free to add me on steam :iblakey11

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