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A possible solution for server hopping.

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So i know a lot of ideas have been thrown out there, hear this one out and mull it over/discuss.


At this stage in the game, we all understand it's alpha, i mean.. c'mon, the gas station next to Chapevsk was exploding in a ball of random flames every ten minutes today and my ax sounded like a grenade or bullet ricochet.


People mostly hop servers to farm loot and i've read a hop story about getting flanked behind (during a firefight, they hopped servers, ran into building, joined original server and shot them in the back, cold man..) Hopping will need to be addressed as the game progresses, obviously. SO...



What if when you changed servers, you spawned somewhere else?

So if i was trying to farm the Kemenka/Povlovo military base and when i joined a new server all of a sudden i was in a field next to Zub castle, or back somewhere on the coast? So after spawning if you char is less than 30 min old (or some time less than it takes to run to nwaf) and you server hop, you restart at a random coast spot. Characters older than 30 minutes hop on a different server and they respawn at either a random spot on the map or, less harshly, a spot 5 km away or so. The rationale is that if we all spawned back on the coast, people could 'teleport' south from nwaf, and if it was random for everyone, newspawns could try to respawn closer to desired locations.


To further prevent hopping until your close to somewhere you want to be, each consecutive new server joined within a 30 minute timeframe adds a 5 minute 'gun jam' where you cannot shoot (but can melee perhaps to fend off zombies or be bold and ax people) but would be vulnerable to people actually playing on the server. Or perhaps a temporary server join ban after too many hops, similar to dodging a LoL que too many times.


I get disconnected a lot at this point in the game and just rejoin real quick. I could see that clashing with this idea.


Just a few ideas to throw in the wind. Feel free to discuss, tear apart, agree, whatevers.




TL;DR: I think relocating a player to a different spot on the map when they join a new server could very much eliminate hopping, there would be no point. The time waste would outweigh the gain.

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Welcome to the forums, also I like the idea would make for an interesting yet not to punishing edge to hopping.

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I like that idea, I think they should do like DayZ Origins does and leave your character for about 60 seconds, so that people can server hop behind players in a firefight

Edited by DickSmashMcIronCock
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Also to think on is :-

Each Town and Military zone has a perimeter radius that you cannot spawn into. If you leave a server inside the radius and rejoin any server but the same one you left you will spawn a set distance of say 500-800m outside the perimeter of the zone as long as that doesn't place you inside another zone at which point it would select another position until it found one that was not a zone.


A message saying "you are trying to disconnect inside a protected zone are you sure ?". could be shown to the player with a yes or no button.


Rejoining the same server would allow you to spawn inside the zone.

This should work well when combat logging is implemented and should not be a problem for server crashes as you would rejoin the same server after a crash.

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It seems a bit unfair to scramble the location of new characters, just to stop server hopping. And anyway, most server hoppers will spend the first half hour getting the essentials rather than immediately starting to server hop. Unless you want to up the time of when characters are scrambled to an hour and annoy a lot of people, you wouldn't be doing anything to the vast majority of server hoppers.


I don't see what is wrong with the standard approach of adding, say, a minute long timer to stop people from joining a server too fast. It won't mean server hopping is impossible, but considering the practice is one born out of practicality and lack of effort, a lot of server hoppers will be disuaded by that countdown.

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Oh man, im so god damn smart, i want some beans*.

Edited by grimsonfart
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How about:


Player logs into Server A then leaves Server A.


Player logs into Server B during the same game session which starts a 30-45 minute timer preventing them from connecting to any server except for B until that timer runs out in which case they can join any server.



I don't think anything will solve server hopping for looting because unless somehow a timer was started when you disconnected from a server I would assume has spent those 30 minutes slowly navigating the base, looting and moving their character to a safe location to log out/in. However it will make combat hopping/ghosting a lot less attractive since as soon as they log into Server B to position themselves, they cannot rejoin Server A for like 30-45 minutes by which point the "target" must have moved on.




These sort of problems will get resolved with private hives anyway, I was a member of a white-list privatehive during the mod and it basically meant all hopping could not happen and hackers were dealt with promptly and quickly!... except the one that made us all dance randomly, then spawned us all in cherno and started firing a gun randomly... or chasing us all down with god mode on trying to kill us with an axe... He was dealt with the next day.

Edited by Lancer 2-2

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I personally think whatever server you pick thats your characters home, would make picking a server less trivial and would solve the issue of hopping around to get geared up. You can log into another server but you will start fresh!

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New to the forum but ive been lurking for a while. :)

Very nicely put, i myself have today sufferd a death thanks to a damn server hopper.. one minute thier is no one thier i turn and thier is someone stood looking at me at the back of a room with his m4.. what does he do shoot me even though i tell him im friendly.. this has happend several times.


i like many others agree with you, if you make a charicter on a server that server should then be "thier home" or if you join another server, you join with your charicter but on the coast..


I LOVE the alpha i just want this server hoping sorted out. :thumbsup:

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