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Looking for somebody to play DayZ Standalone with

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I've been playing for a few days now, but my only buddy with the game doesn't have internet at home so we can't play very often. I'm somewhat new but I've got a pretty good grip on the game. My playstyle is kind of balanced. I've played with a couple people who just geared up, attacked the airfields, died, respawned, repeat but I found that I don't really enjoy the game that much that way. I like a mix of scavenging the cities, interacting with other players, and also going on more high stakes raids. I generally don't KoS but am still very cautious around strangers (in game not IRL =) ).


Just post your steam name if you're interested. I might not repsond to some people if there's too many posts simply due to lack of time. Thanks.

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