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Spawn changes

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You gotta admin though, spawning near Balota when it was safe is pretty nice, you get enough gear to protect yourself and go explore the rest of the map.

Although making it an end-game area is a good call, having people hunt new-spawns with M4s and Mosins ain't fun.

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I really don't understand the mentality of all these kids playing this. As a lone wolf I probably walk 50-200km per day making runs between all of my favorite loot spots in the north and heading down to Balota to watch people kill each other from the shadows. If you just want to spawn and shoot people why are you playing this game and complaining to us about it? There are other games out there that better suit your needs.


I think I know why you're here actually. You want other people to get mad when you kill them and dying in this game does get some people much more mad than dying in other games. Carry on but please keep your whining to yourself.

Not saying that at all. I just think the spawns should take up the whole coast. Not always spawn North of Electro.

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I've heard stories that in games like BF4 you actually /start/ with weapons, is this true?

You obviously haven't read the whole thing, or you just don't understand it.

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Not saying that at all. I just think the spawns should take up the whole coast. Not always spawn North of Electro.

If they do that then when "you guys" spawn north of Elektro you would just kill yourself until you spawn in Cherno again. At that point they might as well just let you pick where you want to spawn.

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Reading this forum is like listening to someone try to convince me that Skyrim is the worst Final Fantasy game ever. 

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MFW people are so lazy that they can't even go a day with out returning to shitlota, to usually die because of camping bandits. Like devil dog said, i've spawn in three Valleys BFE and managed to gear up instantly BECAUSE I KNOW THE MAP, so maybe you noobs who only like balota shouldn't play.

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If they do that then when "you guys" spawn north of Elektro you would just kill yourself until you spawn in Cherno again. At that point they might as well just let you pick where you want to spawn.

they had this option in


what happened?

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they had this option in


what happened?

Guess they didn't like how it was working out.


I don't like it either. Get people out of their comfort zone.

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Spawning on the East Coast specially if it is Ber i will take that. Better then spawning in the wilderness that you cannot escape or spawning as a bird.


Has no one played the Vanilla DayzMod? Running all over the map was an everyday thing. 

Now we have a lot more options to find gear. Google Dayz Map.

Edited by kazeen

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You obviously haven't read the whole thing, or you just don't understand it.


Oh I am completely clear on this "whole thing". As in, it hasn't even been a week yet, no one has had accurate time to feel out / test these spawn changes. And no, by "test" I'm not referring to people killing themselves 60 times as they rub their prayer beads together hoping to spawn near Balota.


These same-day posts are all knee jerk reactions. Let's actually try this shit before we lose our minds.


In a perfect world, I'd rather see people spawn throughout the entire south and east coast - but perhaps Rocket wants to see what would happen if East becomes the universal starting point, making the loot heavy west the zone to traverse to. And goddamn I understand dying and being forced to spawn away from where you want to be sucks (perma-death and its evil ways right?) but stop dying so much. And I mean that in a general sense, not necessarily to the individual I'm quoting.


The old spawn points were teaching people that the only places in DayZ that existed were Balota, Cherno and Elektro. Some of these players reported hearing legends about this place called the North, and North East. Obviously those must just be folk tales.

Edited by Knightmare

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So don't play.


To the self declared forum masters like this guy I quoted.  We are here to make this alpha better aren't we?  If we don't play then how are we going to give feedback?  The smaller the player base becomes, the worse this game will end up being.  More bugs slipping through the cracks, the less polished the product.  So why don't you climb down from the pedestal, or stand up from the tree you've been proned under for 3 hours, and let us all give our feedback, ok?


I disagree with increasing eastern spawn points.  Until there is more military loot in the area, the east coast will be unpopulated.  Nobody wants to run around for hours, possibly getting lost along the way, never to have made contact with another player.  We want to interact with other players, in a 40 player server you won't find more than ten people in any given city on the east coast.  Its a waste of time.  I want to interact with other players, and I'm sure others do too.

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