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Looking for bandit group

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I'm looking for a bandit group (no single persons please).

About me:

I am from Germany, 22 years old and speak english pretty well so it doesn't matter what language I should talk :p

The group:

The group should use TeamSpeak, play in the EU-timezone and it should contain some people.

Why me?

Because I love this mod. I played ArmA 2 online for serveral months so I have an idea on how to approach people without getting killed and I know to take everything slowly (≙ I'm not playing like a CoD Player).

My goal?

To survive as long as possible and having fun while playing with other people.

Just PM me and we can talk in Teamspeak about everything else!

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I play a lot this mod i will be interested on form a group for team up. I'm from spain and i play on DE servers because they work fine. We can look for a TS or Skype, send me a message if you want.

Pd: i'm not a COD player, i play in a arma 2 team wich it's very restrictive and so professional. So you have here a good soldier if you want.

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This seems good, I intend to stay a bandit and it'd be good to meet up with some others. I tend to play on German servers sometimes because when it's night time for me it's still day over there.

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If you ever catch me on a server you're on, ill group up with you.

Forum name is same as in game name, i can also provide 50slot TS/100 slot mumble.

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Yeah I am also looking for a group, somehow I managed to get -11k Humanity and I dont think I will get it back soon, add me on steam : Proxzor

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My humanity is about -22K and to be honest I wanna see how low I can get it now. I am sick of going solo and not having anyone cover me and would like to operate with others. Altho I'd prefer smaller groups for fast attacks as it is my preferred style, I feel that going all out in huge numbers is a bad idea.

My steam id is levvylol so add me if you want to group, I am from the UK and usually prefer to play on daylight servers.

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wow guys, I have to say....not that bad.

I am not a bandit and dont want to become one. But I somehow like the idea to always have the possibility to get in (possibly last) contact with some dedicated bandits...that raises the athmosphere pretty much...hope I never meet you guys..:P

Have fun with that...thumps up


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