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Wish list - post what you want to see added into the game

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In this thread please post what you wish was added in this game I will list below this what I want to see :).


-Ruined campgrounds"I want to see a after math of sort's of what may of taken place, a story as you will something subtle that show's these people had live's and it was snuffed out be it from bandit's or the zombie's that infest the world"


-Over turned town's" I want town's to be transformed and not be cookie cutter from the rest, one town could be fenced in to show at one time survivors had made it safe, and another town to be ravished with the under dead creeping around every corner to show that place was hit hard from the start"


-Subtle stories"Game need's those instances where it show's dead bodies placed out, car's that had accident's trying to flee the city's, writing on the wall's to warn people what may of taken place at one time or a place that very well may be still unsafe to travel to, Great example would be left 4 dead"


-Animals"Not saying the one's you want to add in for hunting, these would be like cat's and dog's, pet's that have since lost their owner's and have also taken over the town's and city's trying to find a new place to fit in, some would still befriend you while other's might got back to being primal and attack"


-Safe Camps" Player's have used what resources they could gather to make their own place's in the wild to call their home's, they can lay down fences, place down tent's to rest their wary head's, and make up camp fire's to tell tale's of how they came to be at this place, just recall not everyone out there want's to be a friend tho, what you have they may just want ;).


-Weather"The game need's more weather pattern's to it, I love when the game add's rain and clouds into the mix, but I have wondered why no violent storms? Why no snow coming down?

I want to see creeks and ponds come and go, the enviroment from the weather should be ever changing to give the game realism more so"


-Clothing" The game need's to add in a gauge of sort's to show what the weather is outside one minute it can be around 90 out, the next it could very well be below zero, and the clothing you choose should reflect on that, one second you could be sweating so bad that you must continue to drink water, the next you must find shelter to get body heat back before you slowly die from freezing to death"


-Leadership roles" Every world has a leader be it a good or bad person, there is always some one out there everyone want's to follow to their death, and the game should reward those people to show who they may trust and who they may not want to trust"


-Create something from nothing" Deadrising has shown you can bout create anything from nothing with a little work, I want to collect item's and put them together to create a weapon to keep myself a live, example" baseball bat, duct tape, and a saw, now I have a item that I can use to defend myself a little bit better with in this un-dead world"


-Garbage cans" I have always wondered why you never had a system in place for the garbage can's? I want to be able to look through them and maybe just maybe luck out and find a can that has yet to be open, that could be a instance of life or death for some and I know in the real world many would check them to see if they may just luck out and find food"


-Variants on items" I noticed with a lot of item's it is the same old same old, such as bookbags, I want variants to them be it a child's small bag, or to a duffle bag, or the jackpot a army bag"


-Create you'r own charter" I hate looking like that guy across the street, who is he? is he my long lost twin? what I am saying is you should let us create our own charter be it a teenager to a old man that has lived long past his prime, a heavy set guy who run's slow due from his extra weight, or a girl who is skinny cause she was teased in school and has issues, what I am saying is every person that plays a game and creates a charter want's to use that charter to tell a story of their own :)"


-Animal Behavior" when this get's implanted in I want to see animal's act like they would in real life, Such as I am legend, one second you see a deer grazing food, the next it is running off cause it can sense danger coming along, that would tell people it is not safe to be around and you may just want to leave the area as well"


-The dead" I want variant's on the dead, be it 28 day's later running zed's, or to Romeros slow walker's, I want some that look like they are fresh, while other's have been out in the sun to long"


-Dying" I want bodies to stay around after a player has been killed for a long time, I want them to start to decompose after awhile with flies being above them, their skin changing colors to show if it is fresh or been there some time"


-Loot spawns" I want loot to be very random, I do not want people server hopping certain area's thinking this and that item will be there, I want loot to be as random as it can be, cause let's face it in real life you may just luck out and find that awesome machine gun in a area you you may not think it should be, Items move from person to person and should show how far they have traveled"


-Death" like everything in this game if you die you should also come back to life as a corpse, should have a timer in place that after so long you'r body will once walk again as a new zombie :)"


-Ambient fog lighting"Welcome to silent hill ;), I want fog to roll in to make it at time's hard to see what is in front of you, to make using a flashlight spooky to do, people would see you coming but would not know how far out really you are intill you are about on top of each other, it would also slow down people from kos, not saying it would stop them it would just change the tactics up a lot tho :)"


-Same old same old" I hate how the dev's used the same textures for the most part that the mod's had or arma used, I want this world to look fresh and new and exciting to want to look over, I want houses to be half toppled over, one's that have webs in them that may looked like no one has stepped foot into, some that have couches over main door's making you find a new way in, as above everything should tell a story of how past people lived when this all went down"


-Blood" I hate walking into places and they seem a maid more or less just walked through and cleaned it up, places are so clean the ncis would have a hard time piecing together what went down, I want trail's of blood, hand prints, something that may show a struggle that sort of thing"


-Ambient sound's" the world for the most part is dead sounding, yes yes I know it is infested with dead, what I want is new zombie sound's off in the distance, I want to hear the wind blow and have it sound like it is knocking stuff over, a sound of a temple who's bell's may just still work, sound make's a game that much more tense to be in, recall it is not what is in the world it is the sound's it make's that freak people out"


-Boom?" I want stuff that can blow apart be it tank's or gas stations, then I want the after math to follow be it fire's that other's can see from a far distance to smoke that lingers"


-NPC" I want to see random non playable charters at some point, ones that may help you along on your own travels to ones that may be out for blood"


-Lumberjack's" I want a world where I can cut down tree's to use for fire's to keep warm, tree's that would de-spawn as you do cut them down to make for new fields"


-Early access people" I think they should be gifted some small items, after all we are the one's funding this game and we should get some small items that will always spawn with us, now do not get me wrong this items when we die would go to whoever killed us as well, and they would not be items of the powerful tier, just something to say thank you to us is all :)"


-Weight" I want this added in to give realism, my guy is carrying a lot of stuff so why is it that he is super strong and can bout run a marathon with over a few hundred pound's on his body?"


-glasses" while in first person if you have sunglasses placed on your charter they should reflect the world with dark coloring depending on the shade of them"


For now this is my wish list and will edit this down the road when I think of more, feel free to add as well, and please do not come in and complain and such I want to keep this thread from any sort's of drama of the sort's thank you :)

Edited by Mannyrue
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