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Looking for UK survivors.

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awesoooome, just get set up with this mod last night and so far have killed 1 zombie!

i love it to bits though and realise i need allies if i wanna survive!

aged 26,

im fairly new to the world of arma though and ill have to get my head round this teamspeak stuff but i am at least reliable and a decent person :D in it for the team work!

going to ur site now

steam name MikeErty

just been to ur site and im having trouble navigating it, what do i need to do to sign up, go to the dayZ area etc? i see like a page tree on the right with a dayZ link but i cant click it...?

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I've had a few goes on DayZ but I'm now looking to join a team and see what an organised group can do.

I'm 24, steam name: straydesigns.

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Were still looking for anyone who is struggling alone or wanting to join up with a good size team. We are looking for survivors over the age of 18 who are team players.


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I'm interested, Broadsword. I should be available this weekend in between working to join you if you're about. What software do you use for comms?

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I am a player with previous arma2 experience but with very little dayz experience in fact im pretty much starting out.

im from the london area and im 25 years old with teamspeak and a microphone. im a strong beleiver of good teamwork and will follow chains of command within a group/clan.

i can be grabbed on steam under the name Archer.

thanks in advance for any consideration


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this sounds good and im up for it. im english and 22, played bit of arma 2 but not a pro at it. i have ts but not exactly sure how it works but easily figured out. my steam name is leekawey

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Hi, my name is Rich, I'm a 19 year old from Leeds, I'm moderatly new to DayZ but I've played in the arma series for a few years, I'd love to join your group.

Unfortunatly I dont have a working mic atm, but I will be getting one, just saving up for something good (I might buy something cheap just for a temp solution).

This game is easier and definatly more fun together than alone, so I'd love to find some people I can trust to play with in game cause none of my current mates own this game. I havent actually had much trouble with bandits yet luckly (mostly to smart playing), but I cant say I want any encounters with the fuckers when I dont have anyone to watch my back.

My steam name is the same as this forum one: "skipper1993" hopefully see you in the apocalypse...

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iOGC.co.uk is still looking for survivors over the age of 18 that want to join up in a friendly and relaxed gaming environment with no rigorous schedules or controls. We currently operate UK26 a Hardcore -5 UST server based in the UK and fully controlled by us within the stipulated server rules for DayZ.

So if you like playing in a relaxed way around your work, family and social life then stop by our site www.iogc.co.uk

iOGC is a well established gaming community with a history going back 8 years. We play a variety of games across several genres.

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Id like to get in, im 19, steam name is GexAlmighty. nothing makes a game more fun than teamwork. registering now

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Have recently moved to UK 26 as my server of choice. Principally because it's a nice gmt-5 for playing in UK and the OP's shout out for new members caught my eye. Another plus is iOGC is into Arma too - Loved playing OFP (seems like ages ago).

Broadsword - If your clan is up for someone who can work sensibly with the team, enjoys a good laugh and knows his way round DayZ (2 months on and off now!) then give me a shout.

Mature, on TS and from UK (Scotland).

My ingame name is SaL

Edited by bogroll

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