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Looking for UK survivors.

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uhhhh can someone from the US be in your group?

Yes, we have members from all over the world, including the US, and play on US servers quite a lot.

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Hey guys. Im a 33 y/o gamer who recently got Arma for this mod. I've been playing solo and i'm having fun but would love to be apart of a group of survivers.

I do not have steam as i bought this game retail but i do have xfire - 8thrax8 and i also use teamspeak. I play as and when i can but once the kids go to bed its game time so nights is when im usually on.

I'll sign up on your website but thought i'd post here to.

Hope you have room for 1 more. :)

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I'm looking for a UK group to roam with. 27, UK, previously played Op Flashpoint when it came out, didn't get into Arma1, but now into Arma2 thanks to this mod.

Not looking at joining a dedicated guild, just grouping with players in DayZ for like minded people who like the survival element to this mod, raiding, a base of operations... etc.

steam ID: Lord Arawn

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hello i am not a UK player but i am from the netherlands only 1 hour diffrence, I still would like to join your survivor group if you let me i would make it worth your time :) hope to hear from you greetings Dereku ingame also Dereku

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Im from the UK, usually play after 8pm and im looking for a survivor's group that wants to join up and make the game more enjoyable. I do have teamspeak and vent. My steam name is Macsaw.

Hope to hear from you :D

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Hey I am 21 and from London, I am looking for people to group with, my steam name is Atticus, feel free to add me :) This mod rocks, but it is definitely funner with groups. I have teamspeak and a mic!

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Hey man Im Josh, Im 21 and live to the South East of London, I registered on your website but if not then add my steam its ' xizic '. would be awesome to play this awesome mod with some fellow Brits!

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I'll give you guys a shout on your site.

I'm well into my 20's and have been meaning to get into arma for a while.

Steam: Billerator

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I have added you broadsword on steam and will register on iogc as I am looking for other UK players to team with

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Hi Big_moosey and welcome to the community. If there are any more survivors struggling out there and your aged over 18, we can help, don't give up.

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Perfect! Just what I've been looking for, had enough of going it alone now but most of my encounters with players has ended up with me dead. I did play Arma a LONG time ago so its all still pretty new to me but I seem to be getting it quick.

Steam is Spillar. However I didn't actually buy through steam although I have now added it to do so. Shouldn't be a problem right.

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You can always use ArmA II launcher to control the game mate, you don't need to launch through steam. Pop over to our site and I'm sure someone will help with setting it up.

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Hi been looking for a group just like this I'm 21 next month and I'm sick of people turning on me so hopefully you will let me join the team :) Add Mowsytron on steam and let me know.

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Hi mowsytron, get yourself over to iOGC.co.uk and join in with the rest of the survivors in our group.


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Hi looks interesting, sign me up dont use steam but been playing Arma2 for a few yrs, from Ireland, similar age to yourself broad 40 here:)

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18, UK player here!

I would love to join, do you guys use a teamspeak server?

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Hey, i'm interested in joining :> I've been looking for some people to play with and this sounds really good.

I'm 19 and from London, usually play after 7pm on weekdays~

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/otochan

And will be looking at your website now :>

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