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Last night's experience...

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Hey everyone,  The Bean Man here... 

      I was roaming chernarus with some friends last night when we stumbled into Novy Sobor,


and what do we see?  A large group of zombies chasing an unarmed man with a white shirt on...  So what do we do being the good samaratins we are...  We killed those damn zombies and helped that poor man out...  Since we saved his life we decided he could donate some blood to our cause right? 




" Lay Down And we will let you live... " 


He hesitates then he complys with our demands...  We handcuff him and withdrew four liters of blood from him...  He didn't even complain so I decided to drop a black tactical vest for him along with some food,  drinks,  and bandages.  We unhandcuffed him and allowed him to gather the gear he thanked us and we moved on...  Too bad his blood type wasn't compatible with my friend =p  Now my friend has blood poisoning  =p 


Loving the standalone!!!



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