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Tactical Spawning

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Hi all,


As a new DayZ player I was wondering if this is how it will always be in DayZ SA and was it like this in the mod ?


So by tactical spawning I mean when you encounter some other players and engage in a fire fight with them, they then log out, join another server and flank the position you were in, then rejoin your server so they are now behind you and bam your dead...


Me and some pals witnessed some real strange shit last night, we were at the prison near Balota and these 2 guys were camping inside, 1 upstairs and 1 under the stairs. They took out 3 of my pals then we took one out, the 2nd guy tact spawned and came in behind us, was 100% defo him as he was speaking in game laughing ect (was a smart move tbh but gay as fuk)..


The weird part was we had another load of guys close by, they arrived and killed the 2nd guy and he then somehow spawned back in out side fully loaded again ? His stuff from when he was shot was still there too ?


This went on for like half hour, my pals and me who died managed to get back there as bambis and grab some stuff then they would reappear somewhere else and shoot us in the ass, then we ran back ect ect was completely retarded.


So yeah, is this how it worked in the mod ? Is this how it will work once the game is finished ?


There should be some kind of deterrent to combat this surly ?


I was really enjoying this game up to this point, how can you combat against that kind of bs its pathetic.

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I hope you stopped, turned to take a look over your shoulder in one solemn motion and whispered the words "clever girl" before dying.

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Well I don't know how applicable that is to your situation. But I had a friend get shot and killed just before a server restart and after the server restart he was alive again with all his gear at his last location. I think there are still some bugs with regards to registering your current status on the master hive.

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