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darksoul (DayZ)

The role of the zombies in our game.

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Hello everyone! I am starting a Topic which i think was discussed many times before. It's all about the role of the zombies in our lovely game.

I've been playing DayZ since the initial release of the mod and i know that if there would be no zombies one day either in mod or SA noone will likely notice it because zombies right now are nothing. Noone cares about zombies in this game even those who just appeared on the beach for the first time because after a few minutes they realize that zombies aren't a threat for them in any way. How is it possible for the zombies to be nothing in the game about zombie apocalypse?It's probably ok for a mod but for a real game pre-alpha of which we can see now it's not right. I clearly understand that this is pre-alpha and the whole game can change in one day but I am just afraid that even when the zombies will be finished they won't become a threat even for a noobies with naked fists again...

Now imagine the giant crowd of zombies getting closer to you with each second from all directions because of your rash decision to shoot someone close to town. You realize that you don't have enough ammo to kill all of them. Furthermore you were shot by another player who is likely dead now. Now you are alone bleeding in the narrowing circle of zombies. So what do i think about what should be implemented?

1)I think streets must be filled with zombies and it must be at least 400 times more of them than now at all

2)They must quickly react on any sounds like running or shooting or anything else.

3)They must be able to deal essential damage to player.

Won't you agree that the only surviving now is not to be shot by a guy with the weapon?

P.S Honestly I am writing this under impression of the Walking dead serial. I always wanted to post something like that but after watching it i just can't hold it anymore.

P.S.S Sorry for maybe some grammar mistakes my english is far away not perfect.

At all it's not an easy theme to talk about because we must consider possibilities of engine and everything but we can try at least to discuss this.


So what do you guys think about what zombies should or shouldn' be like? Share your opinions

Edited by darksoul

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Being a little impatient arsehole:



No need for your down grading insults.. keep it to yourself

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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No need for your down grading insults.. It it to yourself


I do not understand what you wanted to say, but no, I was not insulting OP.

My sentence can also be read as:


' As a little impatient arsehole, I will say this:'

Edited by DMZ_Sniper

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Oh so your referring to yourself ?? as


As a little impatient arsehole


Wow apologies i miss read

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I think what you're proposing is a little much. You will die 19 out of 20 respawns within the first 2 minutes.

I would not consider that fun.

Is it to easy atm? Yes definitely.

But dieing every time a zombie sees you is to hard. And that is what would happen with the changes your suggesting.

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I agree with alot you says OP, but I also have to say that if you make some research you will find an article with rocket the developer, where he says , if i remember right? He want like 10.000 zombies, the game atm could just carry about 4000 at best. They have to work on the technical stuffs to make the servers able to carry that much zombies and make it a smooth gameplay. In my own opinion I dont think they should add more zombies until they are sure the servers can handle it. I dont know why you make a thread about this as you "clearly understand that this is pre-alpha"

Edited by wepztah

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Rocket says there will be 10.000 zombies.

There aren't even 4000 yet... I think there are only 1500 or so.

with 10.000 in a server, oh my friend, you will suffer...

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Rocket says there will be 10.000 zombies.

There aren't even 4000 yet... I think there are only 1500 or so.

with 10.000 in a server, oh my friend, you will suffer...


1500? In every city I see maybe 10-20, maybe 40. There is nowhere near 1500 right now :D More like 500-1000.

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