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Insight from a brand new player.

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I just got this game. Is there anyway to start with a weapon? Like a stick? Just something to defend ourselves with. ANYTHING.

If the mods aim is to capture realism, then weapons can be made from almost any objects. Just anything to give more realism since most objects can be used as a weapon, blunt metal object, etc. A trash can lid as a shield and a broomstick. ANYTHING.

I notice I spend A LOT of time running around not accomplishing anything except running from zombies because I have no weapon.

Yesterday I got lucky and found a hatchet, but the enemy can still get lots of hits in when you use the hatchet. Maybe a way to block, just until I find a weapon?

I actually did manage to find a shotgun but the zombies seem to be able to teleport around you which makes it hard to shoot them. They end up in front of you but then glide to the right real fast then end up in front of you again which makes it hard to shoot em.

Also it seems the zombies can hit through walls which is annoying but i'm sure this will be fixed eventually.

I know this is alpha, so it's all good, this is just my 2 cents so far. Thanks for readin!

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We dont want insight from "new" players. They dont know what they're talking about. Its honeslty not even worth giving your insights unless you've had at LEAST 20-30 survival attempts.

Dont mean to be rude but seriously...

EDIT: once again dont want to be rude, but I can assure you that my opinions of the game when I first started playing where very different then my opinions now, give the game some time before you start making suggestions for the future of it.

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That's funny.

Now counter argue this simple argument. Why can't we start with a STICK to hit enemies with. Basic survival 101, make a sharp pointy object if you have nothing to defend yourself with. Can't argue against that can you? VICTORY.

If your leg bones are broken, how do you climb up ladders?

This is alpha, I understand. But still.

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this should have went in the new players section

I'm not a new player anymore. I figured out how to play the game, but I figured it out through meta gaming, NOT a natural progression.

The game has no natural progression. You META game or DIE. I won't expect the average gamer to understand this simple concept.

1. You die until you figure out how to exploit the zombies.

2. You die until you have a map open in a browser.

3. You die until you have other players in ventrilo who you team up with.

Like I said, no natural progression, only a game designed for META gaming. Don't get me wrong. This is a paradise for a player like me, because I get to completely destroy other players. But this is the TRUTH.

The game needs to allow new players to fend off zombies with blunt weapons like shovels, broomsticks, sticks, ANYTHING. That will increase the player base and give us player killers more targets to kill.

Let's give the noobs false hope so i can slaughter them and take their stuff.. LAWLZ

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ok... that was all abit harsh above

but i do kind of agree with ointen, plently of random objects could and should be able to be used as weapons. and "tonystarks" hes suggesting an idea, to put it simply just more meele weapons, so will you please, atleast, change your username?

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well im not having a dig at the guy, its just this is more general discussion materiel, not new a feature suggestion.. there are many more threads exactly like this one, and he should have put his 2 cents there..

In retrospect i agree with the guy, and i know what he is getting at..

Suggestions just isnt the place for it.

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