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Server Setup

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Hi, i just ordered a server with 32 Slots and Arma 2.

Asked them whether they can install the DayZ Mod, but they advised that i should do it by myself. I will get an "FTP"Login?? for that...

OK,... have no clue what is FTP nor how to Setup a server. Can somebody try to explain what i need to do?

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How many slots should I run?

We've found that 50 slots per server strikes a good balance between resource requirements and number of players.

The minimum slot count for new servers is 40. We highly recommend running a 50 slot server, however.

The one exception for this is for developing countries or countries where bandwidth is very expensive.

For those countries minimum slot count is now 30.

FYI, you need to apply to host.


Seriously. If you want to host, get learning. The BI Wiki is a good place for Arma 2 dedicated server related stuff.

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