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Prof. Awesome

Zeds -> Animation and movement!

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Hello guys,

i want to talk about the Zeds and how hard it is to shoot them, there a two big problems...

- The running animation is so laggy and weird, which makes it incredible hard to hit them while the run towards you.

- if they stand in front of u the have a pretty bad hit animation, its not smooth at all, it looks like the hit animation consists of 3 pictures:


2.bend over

3. hit!

Its hard to explain, what i mean! But the dont move liquid!

Sometimes they even port some meter towards you!

In combination with low FPS!(which i have every time even though my PC is by far good enough for the game)!

Am I the only one who waits almost everytime until the come in punch/bite range before shooting them?

I mostly talk about the running Zeds here, frogger hard but possible to hit, crawler are fine !:)

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Yes, this is the way dayz is. There are some limitations because of the arma 2 engine it uses. They are working on it however. They have also made some great improvements and will only get better as time comes, naturally.

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All we can actually do is wait for the fixes, for now we have to just come with it and carry on giving feedback so rocket can fix that shit.

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