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Random encounters

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Yesterday I was trying to meet up with a couple of people on the forum in a server. We were quite far apart but running towards each other.


I stopped off at the airfield for a quick loot and some of the nearby water, where I ran into a human. He was hungry and I had beans to spare, so I gave him some. He then warned me that a zombie was behind me, so I turned around and killed it with my axe, half expecting the guy to kill me now that my back was turned. He didn't, so I felt I could trust him and accepted his offer to team up, provided he followed me to meet the other guys I was meant to meet.


Then we heard "Oooooogabooogaboooogaaaaa!!!" over and over on the voice chat. Scared us both shitless for a second. Not very far off was a dude standing there, arms in the air and swaying side to side (How was he doing that?). We laughed, and he said "Oh, did I scare you guys? I think I scared myself.... Ooooooogabooogabooga!!" and off he ran down the runway, arms still swinging as his voice trailed until he was gone.


After this amusing encounter, myself and my new compadre went for a quick slurp at a well and continued along the coast. We'd been running for a solid five minutes, when one of the guys I was meant to meet told me on Steam chat that he'd met someone else, so we stopped in an opening amongst some trees and I told my new buddy we were free to go wherever we wanted, and he could choose. He decided he wanted to respawn and meet up with one of his friends and asked me to kill him. I couldn't make out what he said at first and was wondering why he was kneeling in front of me. Again, he said "Kill me", and again I couldn't make it out. His audio was crackling, y'see. After a few more times I finally understood what he wanted me to do, asked him if he was really sure he wanted me to kill him, and he said yes.


I started hacking at his neck with my fire axe. I was two chops in when I heard a voice... "Hey guys what's up? Hey! Oh, wait... are you.. you are... you're killing that guy?". By the time he had ended his sentence, my third chop had ended the life of my former buddy. I turned around and there was a dude with his fists up, right in my face. Before I even had time to react, the guy punched me repeatedly and knocked me out. I was midway through saying "Stop! He ASKED me to kill him!" when my screen went black. And so ended that adventure.



I really love the random human encounters in this game. Looking forward to coming across more weirdos :)



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Sums up DayZ quite well - you can never tell what each spawn'll bring ^^

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My random encounters have mostly been friendly. The last guy I bumped into even gave me a Mosin.


Then there was the prick who let me kill the zombie that was attacking him before shooting me with his M4.

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prettymuch sums up all the human encounters ive had in the past 3 days of playing DayZ.. <_<

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