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Will DayZ get more unique locations?

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I really like all the new accessible buildings but the game is missing some more unique locations like green mountain or the shipwreck.



I know its a lot of work to create big unique buildings but they add a special feeling to the game. I would prefer a big prison building in the north over a new city because in the end all cities are the same.


Will we get some cool locations in the future or are we doomed to loot the same buildings in every city without any diversity?

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There will be a lot more Unique buildings and places when they finish the North, Rumour has it Voodoovorski will make Cherno look like a Village.

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lol what is this ship and green mountain?


i had never left balota, the pvp there is crazy nig

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I fell into a river that wasn't in A2 and found a little cow feeder/thing in a field next to some trees.


Unique stuff is there, you just have to look.

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There will be a lot more Unique buildings and places when they finish the North, Rumour has it Voodoovorski will make Cherno look like a Village.

Thats a lie!


There is no voodoovorski


I  didn`t find it on the dayzdb map

and nothing about it was mentioned in all the devblogs i reread/rewatched



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I'd be happy with just the odd extra base here and there to break up the fields after fields, Sometimes the simple things are good

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I've been pretty satisfied with the unique buildings they've added this far, so hopefully that's a sign of good things to come

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