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Connecting to the same server on the same network?

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I have a question for Dean or even anyone else who might know a solution,


Last night I bought my room mate a copy of DayZ (late Christmas gift) and we attempted to connect to each other.  Now initially we were able to connect to a small server (it had a population of 5) and were able to meet up with one another.  


However, since it was night and I lacked any batteries for my flashlight we opted to instead transition to a daylight server while I showed him the ropes. So I connected to another server and had him join me via steam friend list.  As soon as he connected to the server I lost my connection and h became stuck in the waiting for host screen.  We both tried again, this time he connected first and instead of connecting via steam friend list I found the server in the list and connected.


Again as soon a I connected he lost his connection and I was stuck in the waiting for host screen.  After some technical look ups we found out that we were both on the same IP (due to the router) and as a result I must guesstimate that this is why we were getting these errors.  For whatever reason we both were sending conflicting data to the server.


Now, my question for Dean is: Will there ever be a method for people in a situation such as my own to join the same server.


And my question for all, does anyone know why it may have let us join the low population together but not any server with a population higher than 10 it seems.  Additionally, does anyone know a way to make it so that both of us are using different IPs so that we may connect to the same server?

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I'm able to connect to the same servers with my roommate just fine, so there must be a way. I'm not sure how to fix the problem though, since I've never encountered the problem to begin with.

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There are three DayZ players in my house (so same IP). Myself, and my two boys. We have never had this issue you speak of. High pop servers or low pop servers. Granted, we do not always play together, but we have. I would think there is something else going on...


EDIT: it could be your router... specially if you have a linksys or other such piece of garbage.

Edited by BelMarduk

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Ahhh.... shit.  I do have a Linksys, do you think that is the issue?  What brand do you guys use that you would recommend?

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I also had a Linksys a few years ago, specifically a WRT54GL.  None of my roommates could connect to the same server as me for any game.  Linksys support actually told me that my router was working as intended.


I promptly got a Neatgear which solved the problem and never looked back.

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Yeah it is a problem that seems limited to the Linksys set of WRT54 model routers. My wife and I have had this issue with Arma 2, Arma 3 and of course now the DayZ SA and its never been something that can be resolved. I spent a lot of time with BIS Tech support trying to find a useful resolution and the only resolution seems to be to replace my hardware.


I may eventually do that, routers aren't super expensive after all, but its kind of annoying that the BIS based engine games are the only games my wife and I cannot play together due to this router. That would indicate to me that the problem is actually the software not the hardware but I don't really think BIS cares that one fairly common home router doesn't work effectively with their games.

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I see.  Can anyone else can confirm that they've had similar issues on Linksys routers?  I'd like to ake sure before I go out and buy a new one (got my eyes on a Netgear N600)

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