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My Day with v1.7.1.5 ...

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So, here is the few things I managed to note while trying to hook up with my partner to try other things...

Yeah, some people are still working in teams *laughs*

{{So; We love online games like this and want to see this one make the grade. That is mainly why we are teaming up. Otherwise we would be wacking each other on sight *laughs again*}}

So, today we tested a few things out, which I think might help those new to this enviroment.

The Zeds seem to be a slight bit easier to sneak around. However, they seem to still agro a heck of a lot more even when we are prone and moving slowly out of their veiw. Also, they are still hard as heck to loose once the agro. Two tricks we use is the old Dock method and steep hill sides. Yup, you run along the steepest hill side you can find and the Zed slips down and damages itself sometimes dieing.

Here's another trick we tried that seemed to work. Play Chicken with the Zeds. Just be ready to Zig/Zag around them so they don't get a good wack on you. It seems to confuse them if you charge around and through them. *laugh* My brother did this with about 30 or so of them after him. Most of them stopped for like a second or so turned and started runnign again. Was funny watching it happen. So when running from Zeds use the terrian to you advantage. Zeds can run up hill faster than you; but, they are not so sure footed. SO use the hill sides to trip them up as well as fencing and the Docks along shores. *smiles mischievously*

While exploring buildings and such, we noticed that the Zed's are still having pathing issue's in some areas. Especially narrow LONG door ways and stairs. They seem to get stuck a bit or in the case of stairs fall or slip down into the stairs.

We also noticed several Zeds spawning in thick wall structures. My Brother was attacked by one of them as we entered a building was funny to hear him shout out WTF *laughs out Loud* But, we shot it dead. This happened about 4 times more.

Moving along, my brother and I tested out crawling through buildings and such. The auto stand up is still present in a few cases as was the slight damaging fall. OK< wasn't slight when my brother broke his leg while I was bandaging him and he fainted from blood loss near a doorway. *laughs*

So, here is the last thing we played around with, empty can and bottle toss. The work fairly well with a couple glitches. One, the emote animation does the throwing action twice. The first is a fake toss. Causing em to almost die *laughs* The bottle hit the wall I rolled behind after the first fake toss. I was like Oh, hell. did the roll to live trick and backed around a near by corner hoping the Zed didn't see or hear me. I got lucky that time. Additionally, after throwing said item, instead of going back into a prone position. You end up in a crouch or in oen case standign up. That you might wanna look into. Maybe have prone, crouch, and standing give different ranges you can toss something and be seperate emotes??

Well, one other not. Did someone tweek the M1911 damage. It almost seemed to hit as weak as a Makorov. I didn't get a chance to try a .45 revolver.

Thanx for reading. Hope some of this helps out; JessDOA

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