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^WDG^ SedatedLabMonkey

Wild Dog Gaming has a DayZ server! -happy dance-

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Howdy all, your friendly neighborhood SedatedLabMonkey here!



Just trying to throw some publicity towards one of my favorite servers.



They have monthly tournaments for ingame prizes such as houses and premium weapons, and out of game prizes such as gaming keyboards (which I won last month) and gaming memory (somebody won 2x 4G 1600 kingston memory)



The Admin' are all friendly and helpful, they dont take any nonsense so the server is always fun to play in without any idiots just wanting to grief peoples bases. And if you kill an Admin, they dont get all pissy, they say good kill and laugh about it, tell me how many servers are like that...



Server is up 99% of the time, and only down when it either restarts or updates...



The clan has had servers from BF2, BC2, Diablo 2, CoD4, Minecraft and a few others...



Well I hope this helps their server out some, it seems they peaked at the roster of players they have now and just feel like telling others about the server so others can have some fun like we have. Here is their IP and what not: Wild Dog Gaming Epoch Dallas or just copy/paste



Ok guys, Im off for now, hope to see some new faces in there sometime this week :)

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This is a great server!!!!


I just started playing dayz and arma altogether. The server admin took pity on me and showed me the ropes on how not to be a noob.


They host some pretty epic contests, and the people that I met are really nice. Definitely making this my normal server. I highly recommend them.

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