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Anti Server hopper tips.

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There's no reason for you to enter NWAF... or is there?

There's a few military compounds before you reach NWAF. Why would a server hopper travel further than he/she has to?
Green mountain has good loot, Zelenogorsk has good loot, And the military compound between Zeleno and the coast. SWAF + Firehouses (why that has military loot is stupendous)

Skip them and loot without worry.

Listen for the reload sound. Every player who enters the server, reloads (To my knowledge, not sure if owning a gun matters.)

If you're in a barracks and hear this, enter a room and close the door. Wait for the scum bag to open the door and kill him/her. 
They won't expect a player. MESSAGE TO ALL HONEST PLAYER: close 2 or 3 random doors before you leave. This will create disinformation.  


If you don't have a wing-man. Get one.
(A good guy, you can trust, This is why you help people in DayZ and lower your guard, it can be worth it, even if you die. A 14 day character is worth gambling for a life-long friend. Moral is sometimes better than food and bullets.)
Either one of you can enter any Barracks, with a watchful eye. Nothing worse that being trapped in a barracks building. One guy enters, one guy watches from a distance.

Circle every compound you encounter. It takes more time to loot area's now, people spend more time inside buildings and server hoppers spend more time too. You also have more time to hear the reload sound. 

​Mosin Nagants, do not spawn in military. 

You can can still obtain camo clothes without looting military.... Anything GREEN, is camo. 

Drop your Backpack before entering Server hopper hot spots, if you're alone. Hide it, naturally.

OPEN DOORS + server restart -minutes ago- . Someone has been there / or are there already .
If you enter a compound where the only doors that are open are military or medical, RUN AWAY. (You need a wing-man) Get out of there if you don't have a friend watching.


Server hoppers medicals. If you see various medical kits or scattered medical gear, that is more often that usual. Server hopper has been there. Get what you can and escape ASAP.     

KILL ALL SERVER HOPPERS ON SITE. There's no reason, other than ignorance and laziness to log-off in a loot-spawn area

Make sure you pay attention to closed doors and open doors... they differ from priority (Military/food... if a compound has food doors open, relax but if military doors are open and foods are not, you have a server hopper hot spot), your judgement is what spots the cheat. 


Edited by DaveZ
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