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If Aviators actually worked!

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Hi all, just a little thought of mine that if they actually implemented the use of Aviators/Sun Glasses in the game that would be awesome. The sun in DayZ is so bright and is really irritating IMO and I think if implemented, this little feature it would be pretty cool. Discuss?

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I'm pretty sure that it's already being implemented/has been implemented in test versions.

It's definitely a great idea considering how much glare can affect gameplay

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Actually this was discussed by Rocket in one of the streams where he said that it was discussed but both the dev and marketing teams were opposed to this feature so it's probably not going to get implemented.

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I've thought of this. It would be great to have a darkened shape outline in front of your vision.

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Actually this was discussed by Rocket in one of the streams where he said that it was discussed but both the dev and marketing teams were opposed to this feature so it's probably not going to get implemented.


Yeah, I remember that as well, from the sounds of things he wasn't to interested in adding that but mentioned that some of the other dev had been talking about it so they may end up persuading him.

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Shaded vision/sunglasses are ingame since A.C.E.2, among bunch of other really cool features which they could implement into DayZ but are not going to ...  gods know why. =/

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That would be really cool. Dull down that lens flare with sun glasses giving to the upper hand.


Also this must be a future feature as glasses can be worn with almost ANY clothing. But i don't understand why not.

Edited by exomonkeyman

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There was a reddit thread about this too, it will be implemented soon enough i would assume, but the priority is game breaking bugs over new features at the moment

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