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End Game Co op idea

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TL:DR add factions/radio networks

I know the game is in alpha and has a ways to go, but I still have an idea to promote co operative play. The general idea to create factions which be distinguished visually through a different colored hat, armband, uniform etc. The point of these factions would be to create mutual understanding of allegiances quickly with a glance. If two clearly marked clan members meet eachother in a city, they would theoretically be more willing to work together and wouldn't shoot eachother on sight. Or, opposing members kill eachother, but the kill is a part of faction warfare which gives meaning to pvp.

To make factions work, there have to be incentives. The idea to build settlements complements the faction idea. When factions make settlements, it provides a relatively safe meeting place to group up, exchange/store equipment. Plan vehicle acquisition missions etc.

Another idea that i think would complement this is the implementation of faction radio networks. With the radio network, players would be allowed to use text/voip with other players on the frequency. An advanced version of the idea would include a system to report sightings of bandits/opposing factions which would mark reported sightings on the in game map.

This idea would take a lot of work to create, but it would definitely promote team play. Leave any feed back/constructive criticism.

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Like and dislike at the same time.

Player made factions are a neat idea, but the Devs clearly seem to want the game to be based around zombies and survival. Clans already operate ingame. Radio towers could work for replacing Side-chat and Global chat on a limited scale, but clans (the major users of any Faction side stuff) would already be using TS3, Vent, or Mumble for communications.

But expand on the faction uniform idea, clans might want something like that. Had an incident today where we couldn't tell friend from foe until we could silence most of the chat and locate allies. Results were 1 opposing death and a retreat of the enemy. Uniforms might have helped that to go better, more efficiently, effectively, faster. Safer.

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