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Day Z Standalone: Tips and Tricks or New Players

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Here I want Tips and Tricks posted for the new players. I have some listed below. 


  • Balota is a good place to loot for guns/ammo/backpacks.
  • NorthWest Airfield is good for loot but also risky.
  • NorthEast Airfield is good for loot, shouldnt be many survivors there.
  • Trust no one with a gun. 
Edited by 360Nation

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Balota is far more risky than NWAF at this time. I wouldn't go saying it's that good of a place.


You know where seems to have quite a few backpacks? The construction sites. Seems you can always find one there. Less risky than a military area too.


I'm not sure this particular thread is any more useful to new players than the myriad of resources that already exist.


Also, this belongs in the New Player Tips subforum, not General Discussion. Look, there's already a whole subforum dedicated to this.

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-Loot military tents rather than barracks, they tend to contain more gear/attachments/ammo. (only the ones with 2 entrances currently have loot spawning in them)


-Police stations are also excellent places to loot


-Masks/helmets cause you to pass out if you run with them.


-If you're fist fighting zombies, punch them in the head to knock them down.


-Put a med pack/ammo box into your hands to view its content.


-Split a ruined stack of ammo to receive pristine ammo.


-If you're handcuffed you can wiggle around to break free, the better condition the handcuffs are, the longer it takes.


-Giving someone the incorrect blood type can kill them.


-Saline bags fully restore blood.


-Scopes with 'worn' or better quality are not physically damaged.


-Despite only having 30 slots, the hunter backpack is superior to the 35 slots due to its colour.


-Never eat rotten fruit


-Run vault up stairs, it's much quicker


-You can kill someone with a defib unit


-Various sharp objects such as bayonets, knives, screw drivers, axes etc can be used to open cans, however some food will be lost.


-Don't drink disinfectant


-A shirt can be ripped into rags which can be used as a bandage


-Torches shine through walls and are very easy to spot at night, use only if you have to

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If someone says friendly.

Don't shoot at them.

If someone shoots at you shoot them.

If somebody waves, don't shoot them.

Don't get close to people with melee weapons.

Use your mic, it is your best tool.

Communication is key to avoiding conflict.

When you think you're at endgame don't go trying to kill people, go trying to help them.

I always found it a lot more fun trying to help people.

A good 50% of the time they will try and kill you, why hunt out people purposely when they provide no challenge but when if you wanted to get shot at you can just walk around as usual.

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Have fun being dead.


I would say have fun having fun.


It is often a lot more fun interacting with people than shooting at them.


Sometimes you loose your gear, sometimes you don't.

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another tip:


Only eat rotten food if you have to, because it can make you sick.


Also DONT drink the disinfectant spray!

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And guys please make sure your shooting Good quality bullets, It will save you from having to do the shit you see down below ;)



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