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[LAW] The Lawbringers are forming up!

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My name is a Drunken. I'm a 28 year old residing in the United States. I've been playing Day Z since around the release of the mod and have played various versions of said mod. While I won't claim to be the best shot, or even a good shot, I do enjoy playing tactically, playing smart, but this isn't about me, this is about the group I'm looking to form up.


Whilst bandits and the nonsense that comes up with coast hunters don't bother me at all, it does seem to ruin the experience of some new players. I imagine it to be quite frustrating to be starting out new, in a new game, without much knowledge, only to die repeatedly at the hands of a child armed with a Balota M4, or having to spawn in to a freshly picked coastline with no loot whatsoever. Do not misunderstand, I am not discouraging banditism (I think I just made up a new word.), but I want to give these fresh spawns a fighting chance at survival...This is where my Lawbringer Initiative comes into play.


I'm looking for veterans, new players, and the like looking to essentially bring law to the lawless! We will scrounge up supplies, fit them in back packs or those golden protected cases and create kits to drop off to fresh players. We will provide a leg up to those wanting to be a human being in-game. We will patrol the coasts of the servers we play on, hunting down murderers and highway men. We will restore order in a land of chaos! Restore faith in humanity, and bring justice to those who are wronged!






At least 18 years of age


Mature personality


The ability to have fun in idle chat when not doing anything, but can maintain radio silence in dangerous situations


No loot hoarding. Loot is to be shared and dispersed amongst those who need and can use it the most effectively. If you have never fired a sniper rifle, and one just so happens to pop up, that rifle is to go to the team's designated sniper. If said sniper already has a rifle, then you may use it if it is your intention to become a sniper for our team.


The want to make a difference in the game world by helping others and punishing those who are there just to cause grief.


MUMBLE. We have our own Mumble server. You MUST have a microphone and MUST be willing to use Mumble.


Death is inevitable. Do not become discouraged. Simply restart, re-kit, it's not that hard at all.


Wanted Team Member Roles:




Coast Patrol/Lawbringer Enforcement Agents.




Rapid Response Task Force (Will be implemented later, with vehicles.)


If you are interested, send me a message via Skype: kkracker86


Hope to see hear from you soon.

Edited by Drunken86

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