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Step in to the world of DayZ SA

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I was a DayZ mod player, original and Epoch.


So I bought on this game very first day, and tried to spend some time on it.

On the first week, it was all dark (as server mainly in night time). It is creepy but still fun.
I knew there were bugssss, but I still have fun with the game.

Shoot on sight exist, of course, which always happen when I am prone and eating lol. But I managed to find more friendly player in this game, than in DayZ. I have to say the immediate weapon swapping really help, so I don't have to hold my M4 out, which looks like a hostile guy and tried to kill some players.


Day time server now become dominant, but I am looking forward for time cycle. I hope (just hoping) player could try to communicate more, or this game is going to be boring when you don't have a friend to play with (only for those who are not trying to play as a hostile player).


I have to say thank you to Rocket and the team for making DayZ mod and SA, although it is a alpha with bugssssss, I am still looking forward for it to grow.


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I love it, except when i get killed. 


But after a few minutes i need to play again. 

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You could always try a PVE server for awhile. Some players go in to troll but for the most part people are friendly.

They pve so they can gear up to the max then go onto servers that dont have a pve tag and kill ungeared people.

Edited by Jaygoon

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They pve so they can gear up to the max then go onto servers that dont have a pve tag and kill ungeared people.

I don't want to play in this way, but if player as you described try to mess with me. I ll do my best to kill them haha  :rolleyes:

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If you want you and your friends can join a clan, I am in one called AOD and it is great, we have a Ventrillio server, and there is almost always a group or two on at a time.

Feel free to add me on Steam, ID is AOD_Samiam_Jr

you can check out and even join AOD at ClanAOD.net

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