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Really Old Man

Do our characters not have immune systems?

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It seems like getting sick is just way to easy. I played for 3 hours this morning with a friend, and we became sick 5 times. 2 of those times was from Zombies, but the rest was from us being around the other when they were sick. It seems a bit overkill to me. Also, whenever I used Alcohol to clean my wounds, it showed that I was sick. Whats up with that :/

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If you are outside and underfed you will get sick. Fast. just like in real life.

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Have you stayed plenty fed & watered? Anytime you're thirsty or hungry at all its a bad thing and you're less susceptible to sickness if you stay pretty full. Alcohol has worked for me to clean my wounds after getting sick from being scratched. Also vitamins will reduce the risk of getting sick.

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Yeah from a medical viewpoint, our immune defense is currently in a weakened state, human history wise.

The human immune defense is build around learning to defend, IE, is has to fight an infection to get the cure.

The control of food and environment in our daily lifes has made this immune building slow, because we are rarely exposed to anything.


Which means, as we have seen so many times before, that people lost in the wild are more commonly killed by infections than anything else

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I hope you didn't drink the alcohol to clean your wounds....


I drank it right now to see what will happen.


I guess now I am waiting for death.

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Have you stayed plenty fed & watered? Anytime you're thirsty or hungry at all its a bad thing and you're less susceptible to sickness if you stay pretty full. Alcohol has worked for me to clean my wounds after getting sick from being scratched. Also vitamins will reduce the risk of getting sick.

Well for some reason, I always eat and drink a lot but I never get the well fed message. But I also never get the I'm thirsty message for a good long while after that. I have used alcohol and it works just as efficiently as antibiotics.


I drank it right now to see what will happen.


I guess now I am waiting for death.

Try finding antibiotics. My friend drank the alcohol as well and it only made him sicker. 

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I have yet to get sick.. and I drink directly from ponds and taps, and eat canned food/drink and fresh fruit without sanitizing anything.

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I have yet to get sick.. and I drink directly from ponds and taps, and eat canned food/drink and fresh fruit without sanitizing anything.

Same, I have like 60 hours played and have never been sick =\

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Wow you definetly are doing something wrong. 

Things you should do so you won't get sick:

- > Be careful with medical stuff. Don't swallow anything that you don't need to, and about blood transfusions, be REALLY careful about bloodtypes.

- > Always try to clean your rags and bandages if you found them on the floor. There are disinfectants.

- > Try to clean your water with a purifier everytime.

- > Never fight a zombie while hungry, your immunity will be very low.


Although I think you're just unlucky because I only got sick one time because I used antibiotics without being sick. So I used more antibiotics and BANG, I was cured of my antibiotic sickness. Kinda confusing but you can do it.

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