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Spoiling or spoiled food and water vs. soda

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I just thought of this when I saw some spoiled food in my fridge. "what if food spoiled in Dayz?" I think since the modders/developers are going for a realistic feel for Dayz this might be a good idea. ex. lets say food lasted up to a few days real time before spoiling. if you ate said spoiled food then there is a chance you might get sick. Or maybe something simpler like when you eat spoiled food only a part of your hunger, let's say half of it in this case is restored. Also possibly spawn spoiled food on zombie cropses and in lootable houses. The next thing I wanted to talk about was water vs soda. We all know that soda is unhealthy compared to water. soda doesn't really spoil, so that's not as important. but with the same exmaple I used for food, since soda doesn't cotain much water if at all, maybe have soda restore half of thrist instead of full when used.

Thanks for reading! please rate up or down depending on your views!


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People have discussed the soda thing before, use search features to find it.

Next we have: Spoiled Food.

Cans. We eat out of cans. Canned food is the most common food in this game, the next being cooked meat. Believe it or not, cooked meat can last a pretty good amount of time, as long as it hasn't been left out, or have insects roosting in it. But as cooked meat doesn't last very long (players get hungry and eat it) I don't think it spoiling would be a major concern.

Spoiled food in that case would be fairly useless as a feature. And having spoiled food in a building would be like the empty soda cans, tin cans and whiskey bottles. Another junk item most don't touch.

Of course, even if they added spoiled meat as an item, simple adding salt would counter that and allow meat to stay good for even longer periods of time. But I doubt many people have meat in their inventory that is over 2 days old (unless they haven't logged in, but I doubt we should count that meat).

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People make these suggestions to make the game more realistic but don't see the negative affects it'll have. If I have lots of food and see a survivor, I'll leave him alone BUT if my food has spoiled, I'll shoot him in the hope he has food for me.

Think about that

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Wait wait we're missing the point here. OP you have spoil food in your fridge :O

Also I'm not for spoil food I mean food is rare enough when your going in a group X_X

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Canned food takes YEARS to spoil! Go into any supermarket, take the cheapest "canned beans" from the shelve and check the "best before" date. you will be suprised.

*edit* found this on the "canned food alliance" website:

"In fact, canned food has an almost indefinite shelf life at moderate temperatures (75° Fahrenheit and below). Canned food as old as 100 years has been found in sunken ships and it is still microbiologically safe! We don't recommend keeping canned food for 100 years, but if the can is intact, it is edible."

as for soda: if you are thirsty and drink a whole can of soda.. can you drink even a glass of water right after? it may not be als healthy as water.. but its still enough liquid.

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