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Crash upon loading map

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When I try to join a dayz server I crash to desktop when at 80% on the loading map after the team select screen and all that. I am playing combined ops in admin. Has anyone had this problem and fixed it?

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Post your full computer specs plus whens the last time you updated your direct x + chipset/graphic drivers?

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When I verify with steam it says one file is unvalidated and reaquired but it says that everytime even if I verify right after verifying.

When I reload my campaign files it gives me an error that I'm missing tree files or something if that might have anything to do with this.

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Do you have issues with any other games or just Arma?

Please post your system specs.

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I updated my graphics drivers two weeks ago I think when I got Toy Soldiers.

Edit: Intel core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz 2.79GHz processor

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Downloaded those and reinstalled. Still crashing.

My friend found the solution

" I had to copy the ArmA 2 Free folder into Operation Arrowhead folder.

I renamed that folder arma2free.

Then i had to modify the launch option so that when i start OP, it launches arma 2 free as a mod as well.

like this : -mod=@dayz -nosplash -noautoupdate -mod=arma2free;expansion;ca"

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