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A serious discussion about Combat Logging, Gear Hopping and Spawn Kills

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1. Combat Logging


Problem: You logout everytime you see a person or got injured, log in on another server and you are still alive.


Solution 1: 10-30 second timer before you actually leave the server. ( My favorite )

Solution 2: You can't join a server for the next 15 - 30 - 60 ( Depending on the combat logs ) minutes.

Solution 3: You can only log out if within 50 meter no enemy or zombie. If you close the client otherwise you remain to be a 2 minute dummy which can be shot.


2. Gear hopping


Problem: You go to the military base, log out, go to a small server collect the gear. Repeat until full geared.


Solution 1: You respawn within a radius of 4.000 metres randomly to the last known spot. ( My favorite )

Solution 2: You can only hop between 3 servers within X minutes.

Solution 3: If you change the server more then 20 times a day you get a penalty.


3. Spawn kill


Problem: You are fully geared, randomly spawn on a server and get shot in 1 second because it happens someone standing next to you.


Solution 1: You always spawn in a "safe zone" where you can't kill instantly for X minutes.

Solution 2: You can't be killed within the first 10 seconds.

Solution 3: DayZ makes sure you always spawn somewhere without an enemy within 100-X metre radius. ( My favorite )


This is not a discussion whether these mechanics are legit or not, like I said before it's toxic and usually a hotfix is necessary, especially to the combat logging.

You have any valid ideas ?

Edited by TimM1983
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And people say this may only be solved with private hives! Bah. :P

Nice thread btw OP.

Edited by Horatio

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Solution 2: You can only hop between 3 servers within X minutes.

Solution 3: If you change the server more then 20 times a day you get a penalty.

I'm pretty sure some people have all there gear deleted and restart if they switch too many times, but this happens rarely.

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Combat logging and stuff can wait IMO while they address more basic issues. Spawn killing is a none issue to me, thats down to where you log out. Log out in a stupid place and you are likely to be killed on log in. Pick a nice safe spot in some trees good chance you will live.

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Rust has the best solution to each of these problems.


When you log off your player stays in game but sleeps. Each server has its own saved player location so this eliminates ghosting or server hopping.

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1. Combat logging


Solution: Can't disconnect in combat, if alt-F4 caracter will be killed. Same as unconscious system.


2. Gear and server hopping


Solution : Same as Arma 3 Breaking point, if you try to change server with an alive caracter, you can't play with a cooldown (5 at 10 minutes).


3. Spawn kill


Like Karmaterror post, Spawn killing is not an issue if you diconnect in a good place.

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Solution 3: You can only log out if within 50 meter no enemy or zombie. If you close the client otherwise you remain to be a 2 minute dummy which can be shot.

Solution 3: DayZ makes sure you always spawn somewhere without an enemy within 100-X metre radius. ( My favorite )


Reminds me the rest system in The Elder Scrolls. I thought about it.

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One single thing that would help right off the bat...
Switch servers, and you are subjected to a new rando spawn point. In addition to a proximity/activity timer like in the mod, or the mod's outright prevention of logging when in "combat" with players or npc's, I think this would cover a number of issues. If you want to combat log, you gotta wait, and if you try to switch servers you'll suffer the consequence of appearing in a completely random place, ideally far far way from your starting point on the last server. This also prevents spawn looting.


Seems like this would be less ever load too. All that has to be remembered is where you left off on each server. I mean, a person could work this system eventually, but they'd have to trek kilometers to do it on multiple servers.

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One thing about server hopping is, what about if you join a server which you don't really want to play? Today I joined a server and it was on night time, I left and joined another and It was again night time, and on the third try I got to day light time...


Repeatdely joining a server should restrict you from being able to pick up loot. The more servers you join, the higher the timer is.




Started game: 0 Sec timer for loot. 0 Minute tolerance

Joining first server: 15 Secs timer for loot. 3 Minutes Tolerance.

Joining Second server: 1 Minute timer for loot. 5 Minutes tolerance.

Joining Third server: 5 Minutes timer for loot. 10 Minutes tolerance.

Joining fourth server and so on: 7 minutes timer for loot. 15 Minutes tolerance.


While tolerance means the time of play in a server you should have before being flagged as hopper; and the amount of server joined is reset every time the tolerance you have accumulated reaches to 0 minute)


As for spawn killing, that isn't a problem and never will. It is actually one way to deal with server hoppers right now. If you're going to disconnect in the middle of NWAF at the runway then you deserve to be killed on spawn.

Edited by LouisK

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Rust has the best solution to each of these problems.


When you log off your player stays in game but sleeps. Each server has its own saved player location so this eliminates ghosting or server hopping.


That's the best and only solution to all logging problems

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How bout something gets done for the people who swap servers and camp unarmed people, especially in Bilota? What is the fun in killing an unarmed player? With the fact loot don't re-spawn, you will have server hoping, there is no way around it. I do it, specifically for that reason. I also try to play on low pop servers more b/c there is less chance of gankers if you move away from the coast.

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Three words:


Server locked Inventory


Play on any server you want, but have the inventory saved only for that specific server. See. All of the listed problems have gone away.


Okay, ghosting (not listed above) could still be an issue! And it won't do much for spawn campers. But if you log off in the middle of NWAF, can the head shot on spawn really be unexpected!


I've never understood the idea of being able to jump between servers and take your inventory with you, and have never seen it used in anything other than exploitive ways.

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WIth 40 person servers, its likely you could end up on a full server, and therefore, not have your gear until a space becomes available.  which sucks.


for combat, I like the log out timer.. and better yet, you're player should be unable to move once you activate the timer.  Want to leave? find a hiding spot, and leave, not run around like a madman dodging things until the timer runs out...

if you alt-f4, then you're character stays alive for 30 seconds in its last spot on the server until it allows you to 'disconnect.'


For gear.. I don't know what would be best, but I like the un-predictabilty of respawning somewhere else (not 4kms away, like you suggested) but within reason that it could take some time to re-loot a spot.  maybe your character wanders on its own when you log out (not activly on a server, but like how GTA5 does between 3 main characters)  Best solution, randomize the loot better.. make it so some bases are empty.  its just as possible as a house being empty.



As for spawn kill.. pick a new (more hidden) spot to spawn.. I would like it however if it maintained your body positon, prone vs standing.

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Rocket has already in several different occasions that there are systems in place to deal with all of these issues (except spawn kills) but that they were disabled for the first weeks of the early access release due to various technical concerns.

So clearly, Rocket and the team are already aware of these issues and have some solutions in mind, why don't we just wait until the enable the stuff they have implemented and see if it helps?

As for spawn killing, it's only an issue because loot isn't rare and it all spawns on the beach, once you have 'beginner's weapons' like you had in the mod (enfields, winchesters, makarovs etc) fully geared guys would be more weary of dragging their asses from the north all the way to the coast as any industrious newbie with an enfield can take out a guy with a DMR with a bit of patience and a good shot. Of course, this is DayZ so you should worry more about the time when vehicles are added and you have guys flying hueys buzzing over the coast ushering a hail of m240 bullets at guys who just spawned. And still, you've just spawned so why would you care either way? their m240 bullets are seriously more valuable than your flashlight and all in all it's a net-loss for them, if you already got some gear you don't want to lose you can always hide when you hear/see someone coming.

Let's just wait and see, we really don't need 10 new threads every day to discuss this same issues.

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Problem: You go to the military base, log out, go to a small server collect the gear. Repeat until full geared.
Solution 1: You respawn within a radius of 4.000 metres randomly to the last known spot. ( My favorite )
Solution 2: You can only hop between 3 servers within X minutes.
Solution 3: If you change the server more then 20 times a day you get a penalty.


I don't like solution 1... What if you play in a squad, log out together and want to log in together the next day? You could be 8.000m away from each other...

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Solution 1 & 2 of combat logging fixes everything if:


Solution 1: your disconnect, your body stays there for 1 minute (you need enough time to loot him/her). Offender cant join or respawn during that time.


Solution 2 : you can enter 1 server every hour without a penalty. after that 30/60/90 minutes wait before you can join another (Depending on DISCONNECTS).


If you reconnect the same server => you must wait 5 minutes to join . This small penalty intended for people with shitty internet. or RL interruptions.


The 5 minute rule is to protect players from their bad internet, not punish them. A dayz player is a bohemia interactive customer and players with bad internet should not be punished. The SYSTEM needs to protect us from exploits, not the players

Edited by Betabyte

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