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Anybody else got Desync problems?

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It's very annoying at the moment. Do you have this problems too? Is it more because it's an alpha with network problems or could it be me?

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I have been experiencing de-sync problems too which I don't think it's to do with anything my end (all other games work fine, have decent connection speeds etc) I think it's more to with it being the alpha and teething problems than anything else. I'm sure it will steady out in the near future.

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Me personally yes... My internet is terrible :( <<<< Hence the reason why i desync ;)


oW5zS4j.jpg                        <<<<< ME

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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Depends on the server. Sometimes I desynch frequently switch servers and fine. A buddy was so badly desynched we could see him, watch him move around and interact with him, but he could not see us standing right in front of him. Same thing happened with another buddy on a different server I could see him but he could not see me, seems really dangerous.

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Depends on the server. Sometimes I desynch frequently switch servers and fine. A buddy was so badly desynched we could see him, watch him move around and interact with him, but he could not see us standing right in front of him. Same thing happened with another buddy on a different server I could see him but he could not see me, seems really dangerous.

happened to me as well! so bad desync its like im in another dimension

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If you are running with buddies that have a high bandwith due to using some of the container bugs this has also been found to be causing the issue. One way to tell is if their bandwith is really up there.

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I have sufficient Internet and on some server de-syncing is a problem. It really seems to depend on the server, the ping and your Internet, not something about the engine.

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Depends on the server. Sometimes I desynch frequently switch servers and fine. A buddy was so badly desynched we could see him, watch him move around and interact with him, but he could not see us standing right in front of him. Same thing happened with another buddy on a different server I could see him but he could not see me, seems really dangerous.


Got the exact same problem. Kind of had them since the SA launched but I got the feeling it increased in the last couple of days.  Sometimes to a point where playing is impossible.

Like more desync than sync. Sometimes I even login to a server  and nothing happens. I can walk around but thats about it. Cant select a weapon or interact with things.

When I am around on my own with no buddies around me I am fine though.

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It's very annoying at the moment. Do you have this problems too? Is it more because it's an alpha with network problems or could it be me?

Yes it has made my game unplayable since the last patch because the new spawn means i cant get anywhere before being teleported back to my original spot.

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I have sufficient Internet and on some server de-syncing is a problem. It really seems to depend on the server, the ping and your Internet, not something about the engine.

This happens on every server i go on and i have a solid internet connection, it is not related to any of the products i use other than this game.

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This happens on every server i go on and i have a solid internet connection, it is not related to any of the products i use other than this game.

Exactly ... and its really irritating not being able do anything except move 

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I also have the problem, and I've been trying my hardest to find rhyme or reason. I can't find anything, and it's not my internet. I pay for an upgraded connection, and have zero issues on any other game. I thought it was maybe the servers, but I played with a buddy in my area, he had some issues but nothing nearly as bad as me. I see desync up to 100,000, but mostly 4000-7000. If anyone has any ideas, or tips, I'd love to hear them.

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This might be a total coincidence but as far as I can read it from the displayed pings and desync the desync issue badly increases when other players are near me.

When I am out alone i barely get desync besides the regular desync. When around with a second player I get the desyncs from time to time but nothing really serious.

When it is three or more players it starts to get unplayable quickly. Dont ask me why. And like I said might be a coincidence....


Edit: Just for the record: I dont have the best internet connection. Its like 120kb down and 25 kb up. Havent had any issues on other games or years of playing arma2/ACE/dayzmod. Will move to another city in about two weeks anyway. So I will just hope that a proper connection will solve this issue for me.....

Edited by bummel313

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Same problem here and similar net connection to bummel - 1mbit download about 40kb up.


Was having 30+ second delays when sharing items with friends but have had no problems at all in the firefights I've had - hit detection and enemy movements seemed fine so it's something inventory based imo.

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playin with a bunch of friends, one of us always has desync bout 20k-100k, while having the same isp/connection.

my first guess was just high traffic caused by 3rd party software, so we monitored his traffic - without valuable informations.


Might be his WLAN-connection in general or the router.



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everybody have desinc problems..it is not user side problem it is server side...they will solve this...no worries...

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that sir, is just not right - since i know lotta ppl doesn't have desync problems in that dimenson. if it was a serverside problem all of us should have a similar desync, wich is not that case.


if any, all my friends notice a desync of 50-400 maybe every 60 minutes.


he's like, can't open doors, can't pickup items, get hit by zombies in our view but is on a total different location - uberdesynchron.

Edited by Guest

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Server side problems might not affect all people playing.

I have problems with Dsync as well. Can't interact was on more than 35 servers... was in a building... scary as ever to log into a room without being able to interract but having the possibility to die.


Sitting on the inventory and right clicking an item shows a receiving message for up to 120 seconds. then choosing an option in this menu could take another 120 seconds. The average complete time on receiving and changes to the menu was about 80-85 seconds.


I am one of 10 people in my community that play this game, and 7 of us have this issue.

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Its usually either you or a busy server, 


I tend to wait it out or relog

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I only experience 100k desync when i join a server but after 10 seconds im fine. maybe its your server at daryl said.

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Containers inside containers bug. It's really annoying. I was trying to play with my buddies tonight, but when we grouped up it got bad. I asked everyone to drop their containers. It steadied it out for like 30 mins, then it got bad again and the game was unplayable.

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Waiting on a hotfix for this too since it is unplayable atm.

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