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Looking For Standalone Clan

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I've just purchased the standalone today. I've played for about ten hours. I currently geared and looking for a more organized group than my friends. I have killed five people, all which have posed a threat to me. I don't typically shoot on sight unless the other person is armed and I won't take any chances. My steam is infiltratespb, and my IGN: Infiltrates, incase I run into you on standalone, (I know the odds) I have skype, teamspeak, and raid call. Just let me know! Thanks! 

Skype: [email protected]

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You can check out our new group named the Army of DayZ (AoDZ) at http://armyofdayz.com, we made a record 67 members within 7 days of being founded and have 24/7 activity on the TeamSpeak.

Edited by Zevrow

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Hello Treyvon!  My clans website would love to have some more people to come and play dayz and other games with us.  We are a growing clan that has been around for a while and we have 30+ people in the teamspeak playing various games usually at any given time.  If you are interested here is the website and Teamspeak server ip.  http://www.goodgameconnection.net/ goodgameconnection.ts3dns.com

Edited by Picklse

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PDi is now recruting we are looking for members that are 16+.


We are a multi-gaming community looking for members for all games, most of our members have and play Dayz.

We are looking for members 16+ with a positive attitude. Are you interested?

Join us on TeamSpeak and meet us so we can get to know you.

Our community have Three DayZ SA servers and a DayZ mod Epoch Taviana server 


We hope to meet new people and have you become a member in our Community.





DayZ SA servers: #2 #3


Epoch server:




Edited by gabbi68

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