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Finding friends on the same server

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How can I find my friends, when where are playing on the same Day Z server? It seems that we spawn very far from each other. Can you make a "squad" here, that spawns you and your friend in the same location?


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Not yet, but you can like keep in touch with him, look for signs though all are in cyrillic so it's hard :P but try using bridges, docs, train tracks as key points. I met some that way. Hard though but possible. That's actually a nice idea with the "squad" thing, at least to give friends an easier way to meet, but then again it might not.

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You cannot make a squad or spawn near your friends(unless you guys get lucky and spawn at the same location). You can use an image of the map to find each other.

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thanks for the quick answers guys! We'll just have to try to find each other with the map, can be hard though.

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Roadsigns are your friends!

It also helps a lot to meet up with those other than your friends. Even if you split up with them later, it's always good to stick together in a group when going through a large city (Which you often will to find friends).

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Easy way to link up with your friends.

When you spawn in make a note of the town name (e.g Otmel, Solinichy).

Find out where you all are.

Run to the sea and turn left or right accordingly. (e.g left with send you East and eventually north, right will send you south or west.

Keep running until you find your friends.

Or get a UAZ then you can go pick people up when they spawn in! :p

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Greyfuch's coast idea is a good one for new players, but once you start getting a better 'lay of the land', it's preferable to go inland a little or stick to the woods to avoid Chern and Elektro.

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I felt it was a hassle the first few times I had to hook up with people after dying. Now it's one of those things that makes this game stand out.

Sure groups would be nice for group voice and such, as long it can't be exploited, meaning no direction indications.

Moving 5 meters at a rainy night loosing contact with your group, that is part of the gameplay :)

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