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King of kong

Small (Unfinished) DayZ Tale

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Hello. Just a short DayZ story ah made. :)

        September 6th, 2016, Chernarus, CDF Vybor Compund
 "Sir, we have contact from the last of the 5th Infantry, they're held up at the 30th blockade, they're out of fuel for their truck and it will be dark soon, they are requesting our assistance, sir" The young Corporal handed the gruff Major Kaminov the radio, before saluting and making his way out. 
Kaminov: "Good Evening, Lt.Slovikov, you say you are out of fuel by the blockade?", 
Slovikov: "Fuck sake, man! your guy there told you the whole story. Can you send assistance? It will be dark soon and we will not survive the night for sure!".
 Kaminov: "I am sorry, Slovikov, I can not spare the men to go searching for you at this hour. It is simply too dangerous, you should know that by now.",
Slovikov:"Damnit, Major, we have civilians with us, women and children! Where are we supposed to go to survive the night? The infected will be coming out in force soon.",                                     
Kaminov:"Get to Stary Sobor; there's a small garrison there in the church, tell them I sent you. In the morning, we will send a truck to pick you up, okay?",
Slovikov: Thank you, Major. You're a good man. Vodka's on me if we survive.
Kaminov: I look forward to it. I bid you fairwell now, old friend.
Slovikov: Wait, oh my god, there's someone moving about down the road...Fuck...Did you know of any patrols in this area, Kaminov?
Kaminov: Nyet. If I did, I would have alerted them to your presence so they might find you.
Slovikov: "Oh, shit, they're here! Fuck! FUCK, SH-" Kaminov ended the transmission. In a world like this, there was no time for heroics. If he had sent a unit for Slovikov's group, his men would surely die. Besides, how would they even navigate at this hour? His subordinates stared at him, shocked.
"What are you looking at, eh? I made a decision, a decision that saved the lives of you lot! You should be fucking grateful. Had I sent you out there, you'd be fucking dying in a ditch with those savages out there feeding on your face! Get out, now!."
Kaminov poured himself a vodka, he knew it would tamper with his leading capabilities. But he needed a strong drink to wash away the memories of the 12th day. The day the country fell to the virus...A nasty memory....But it always came back, no matter how hard he tried to rid himself of it... He and his squad were responding to reports of mass hysteria and violence in Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk. At that time, the government refused to aknowledge the severity of the infection. It went right under their noses. They simply dismissed it as hearsay and rumour. There were people rioting everywhere, demanding that the borders be closed. Turns out there was an infected savage in the crowd. The infection cut right through them. City Hall was overrun later that day, despite the efforts of the Chernarussian Defense Forces. After that, Kaminov received orders from High Command to take what few troops he had left and abandon the city. High Command later ordered blockades to be built around the surviving villages to halt the spread of infection. About a week later, the military lost contact with Russia and Takistan. The last person they spoke with was a New Zealander in the Czech Republic, calling himself "Rocket". Kaminov sighed, thinking of what the world had come to... He decided to think more in the morning, making haste to his bed.
Kaminov woke with a start. He could hear Sgt.Novikov yelling at him to get up, the base alarm had been sounded, he could hear men yelling outside, and gun fire. "Fuck" he shouted "What the hell is going on?", "Infected, get the hell out here, Major, there's a whole lot of them!
Kaminov could see it clearly now. 10 to 20 infected running across the field in the fog.
"Shit, how did they find us?", 
"I don't know, Major, but there's alot of them coming from the south, too".     
Kaminov could hear their deranged screaming as they advanced from the direction of the fallen village of Novy Sobor. "Sir", Novikov passed a pair of binoculars to Kaminov. "Thank you, Sergeant.", Kaminov adjusted the zoom and observed the infcted as they rapidly approached the base. He could clearly make out an infected Lt.Slovikov among the pack, along with the man's subordinates. Running full pelt, blood dripping from mouth to toe, towards the Vybor base. Suddenly, Kaminov heard the rattle of machine gun fire, and the clinking of shell casings.  The rat-a-ratta-ratta of PKM fire continued for 5 minutes, until the lowly Private manning it shouted out "It's fucking jammed!" with the constant whizz and pang of bullets echoing in his ears, Kaminov rushed to the middle of the court yard and took the loud speaker from his belt. "Abandon your post, abandon your post, get to the trucks, get to the trucks, we're leaving!". More infected came, they began rattling on the main gate, snarling and screeching, intent on the death of every person on the base. Kaminov chanced a look at them, he noticed one in the crowd, a look of intelligence in its eyes, watching as the soldiers boarded the trucks.
"Major, get the fuck on the truck, we're leaving, now!" Kaminov turned away from the infectd, unable to hear Novikov through the deranged screaming. He saw the young solder point at something behind him, a look of terror in his eyes. Just as Kaminov turned around, he heard the clang of the main gate opening, and the deranged screaming that followed. Suddenly the Major felt a large being bring him to the ground. The smell of blood, puss and shit was overbearing. Kaminov felt teeth on his neck, he yelled in pain, desperately wrestling with the savage, but his hands weakened, his vision darkened. Yes, this is it, the angels will take me to heaven, to be with Dimitri, my poor little son, he thought. Shortly before being enveloped in darkness...             
September 12th, 2016, Green Sea Region, 200 Miles off Chernarusssian Coast, 
  "Lenin" Russian Cargo Ship 0300 Hours, Canteen.
Captain Andravich observed his crew. Probably conspiring against him, he thought. The clinking of forks, knives and plates was getting on his nerves. He couldn't tell if his crew were planning some sot of mutiny or just spouting hearsay as usual. For now, the Lenin was to be Andravich's home until they could pull into port.

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Lurvely, kinda like more detail to my posts bit where it says "cheneraus fell". This is absolutely amazing writing skills.

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