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SA in need of private hives

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Problem could have been fixed in the mod and it wasnt.

You simply cant fix it by having one central server that keeps your location for the rest.


Sure you could.


15/30 Logout timer[You can't find a place to logout to stand for 30 sec? Then don't logout outside of Pine Trees.] -This could fix Combat Loggin pretty much


Some kind of 15 minute lock system, that I saw suggtested in another topic. -This could fix ghosting and Server hopping to an extent. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157862-server-hop-ghosting-solution/


Now I'd personally hate to see the SA turn out like the MOD - I attempted to try and re-kindle my DayZ feeling some months before DayZ SA Alpha Release. This was impossible due to all the bullshit private hives out there, it was(is) almost impossible to find a good public hive server xD

Anyway, I'm sure that the fact DayZ uses a public hive is one of the reasons it became so popular. If it had in fact only had a tons of small servers with individual characters so you only could play with your toon on one server it'd have been less popular.


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